“I’m fully clothed. Are you?” She’s so poised, and for some reason, that pushes me over the edge.
“Your legs aren’t covered. Your skirt is too short. Your necklace dips down between your tits. Any man who sees that will beat off to that image for the next week. You’re a hypocrite.”
“Oh please.” She slides her chair out and stands. Her tight waist is accentuated by the flair of her pants falling over her strappy sandals. “I’m fully clothed and dressed in a professional outfit. I never knocked you for the sexual flair your ads portray.”
“You accused me of using a body double, and the insinuation was clear that you think my body is my biggest sales technique, for which you had no problem judging me.”
She grabs her hair and sweeps it across the back of her neck to lay on one side. Obviously trying to use her sexual appeal to win this argument, but it won’t work.
“Let’s go have a look.” She saunters out of her office and past Max—who I’m surprised doesn’t follow us, considering she’s Bella’s five-foot-two bodyguard.
We leave her office, and her manicured nail presses the elevator button. The door opens a second later as if she called it up with some voodoo magic. We’re both silent on the ride down until we exit through the front door.
She shields her eyes from the sun while staring at her billboard then shifting her gaze to my ad. Okay, maybe she has a point. Mine is definitely more sexual than hers.
“What are we looking at?” Justin sidles up to me, his eyes ping-ponging between the two. “Very nice, Ms. Scott.”
“Justin.” Bella slides between us, knocking me with her hip. “Does one of these scream sexual to you?”
Justin is my boy and he will not throw me under the bus.
“Your stance looks a little sexual.” I want to high-five him behind her back. “But Carm sells sex.”
“What?” I whip my head in his direction.
“I mean, that’s your MO. It’s what you’re known for. Your ad copy alone implies sex.”
“Do you remember who pays you? And aren’t you coming in a little late?” I ask and glance at my watch.
Sex appeal might be what gets them in the door, but it’s my skill that’s made my name in this business.
Bella laughs and squeezes Justin’s shoulder. “Thanks, Justin.” She turns to me. “I’d say that’s case closed.” Her heels click on the concrete on her way back into the building.
“We still have the issue of your ad being outside the office. We said no ads.”
“Yours is still there.”
Justin opens the door of the building, sliding in before we have a chance to ask his opinion again.
“Mine was grandfathered in.” Yes, I’m fully aware this is a dick move and that I’m being a sore loser, and no, I don’t care.
“If you’d like to take down your ad, I’ll gladly take down mine.” She crosses her arms so they’re resting right under her breasts. My eyes zero in, and she must notice because by the time my gaze reaches hers, she huffs.
“What?” I ask as if I wasn’t just imagining her nipples through the silk of her cami.
“Would you like me to stare at your dick?”
An older woman and her husband walking by glance at us but continue walking. They’re New Yorkers; surely, they’ve heard worse.
“Have you imagined how huge it is already?” I step forward. “I bet you have. Just like how I’ve wondered whether you’re shaved or not when you slip your hands into your panties at night while you’re trying to sleep and can’t get me off your mind.”
She inhales a deep breath. “I sleep naked. There are no panties.”
I barely suppress a groan.
She rushes into the building and onto the elevator, but I’m hot on her heels.
“So you admit that you’re attracted to me then?”