I open my eyes to find his on me. There’s heat there. Heat that could burn me if I admit to myself how badly I want him.

“I do.” I consciously try to stop my shoulders and hips from moving.

“Come on.” He downs the rest of his beer and places the empty on the table.

“What about my drink?” I ask.

“Either down it or I’ll buy you another after.” He waits next to me at the table.

It’s clear he won’t take no for an answer, so I down the rest of my drink, take his hand to help me down, and he leads me to the dance floor. His hands land on my hips as we sway, getting the feel of one another. He swivels me around so that my ass is positioned in front of his groin, and his hands move me the way he wants.

“Just go with it,” he whispers in my ear, his chest pressed to my back.

I’m not sure if it’s his words or being in a throng of people and having the safety of him near, but I do let myself go. I move my hips and my shoulders, my head falling back and landing on his chest.

Sweat trickles between my breasts, and my ass grinds into his crotch. His hands venture places I’d never allow if we weren’t dancing, skimming down the sides of my ribcage. The DJ does a great job of shifting into one catchy song after another.

Carm’s eyes watch me as he turns me around to face him, stepping into my personal space, but I welcome him with my arms around his neck. My hips swing, and I push out my breasts. Couples around us are just as into it, and I lose myself for a moment, becoming the girl I was once so familiar with but lost somewhere in the abyss.

By the time we finish, we’re both sweaty and Carm’s T-shirt is just about drenched. We head off the dance floor.

“Another drink?” he asks.


He buys us another set of drinks, and since our table is now taken, he takes my hand and leads me down to the beach.

“How did I never do this before?” I sip my drink, but it does nothing to cool my body down.

“I know. First night and I already regret the last eight years my friends have asked me to join them and I declined.”

He sits in the sand a fair distance from the ocean, and I sit down, right next to him.

“Thank you,” I say, stirring the ice cubes in my drink.

“For what?” He props his elbows on his knees, his beer bottle tucked between his thumb and forefinger, hanging in the air.

“For distracting me tonight. Reminding me why I came here.”

“I could say the same. I would’ve stayed in and worked otherwise. Probably would have had to listen to Annie and Enzo banging all night.”

“You’re still thanking me even though you won’t be getting lucky?” I raise my eyebrows.

He chuckles. “You mean I did all this foreplay for nothing?” His smile says he’s messing with me.

“You thought a few drinks and a half hour of dancing would do the job?”

“Definitely not. I know you’re a game-changer.” His eyes find mine in the moonlight, and the casual vibe between us evaporates.

The waves slowly crest on the beach, and a soft breeze ruffles my hair. I lick my lips because I want him to kiss me. I want to confess that he did get me with the dancing. He granted me the security to do what I love.

“What does that mean?” I whisper.

He shifts his weight. One arm extends behind him and his other hand brushes a piece of sweaty hair behind my ear. “You’re not really the type of girl who’s happy with a one-night stand.”

He’s right, but I desperately wish he was wrong. I’ve never wanted to be that carefree girl who can take what she wants when she wants it and never be invested. But I’ve learned the hard way that I’m not that girl. I’m the girl who will anticipate his call the next day. The girl who will want to get to know more about him. The girl who ends up heartbroken in the end.

“Sorry, I guess?”

He shakes his head, and his finger trails down the side of my neck and over my shoulder. My goose bumps chase his touch, begging him to not stop, but sadly, his finger falls from my skin before he reaches my hand. “Never be sorry for that. You demand respect. It’s one of the best things about you.”

I lick my lips again and his gaze casts down, watching my tongue skate over my bottom lip.

“Come on. We need to get the hell out of here before I screw this up for both of us.” He stands, brushes off his ass, and holds his hand out for mine.

Together we walk off the beach, platonic and sexually frustrated.