“I’m not sure what you’re looking for?” Yes, I’m being a bitch because of the woman whose heels I hear clicking on the floor as she approaches. Sue me.

“Okay, let’s go.” She uses a key to open the elevator door.

Carm motions for me to step in first, so I do. We pack into a small elevator that, if I’m honest, I’m a little afraid of.

Carm talks with Helena about her work history with Greg and the building, as well as what development projects the company has coming up next. She practically trips over her tongue to spill secrets I’m sure she’s not supposed to give. I swear good looks and a little charm can get a guy anywhere in life. It’s ridiculous.

Finally we arrive and step off on the thirty-third floor. Helena turns to me. “This floor will be yours, Miss Scott. Go ahead and get yourself acquainted. I’ll take Mr. Mancini to the floor above and we’ll come back and grab you on our way down.”

She’s kidding, right? The place is practically empty, with only framing giving a basic outline of the units. But I’m not about to argue since being alone is better than dealing with Helena’s desperate attempts at flirting with Carm.

“Sure. Have fun.” I step forward, looking side to side, thankful there aren’t a bunch of construction workers on this floor.

“Let’s go through them all together.” Carm follows me, not waiting for an answer from Helena.

I hate that him staying eases the tension in my body. “You don’t have—”

“Yeah, I do. Ma would kill me.”

Helena huffs. “Okay then.” She takes the lead, going through the space as though she was the architect of the property. “There are eight units on each floor, and you have views of the river from most.”

We’re back by the elevator before I can blink or ask a question.

“Um.” I stop her hand before she pushes the elevator button. “Are they all the same price?”

“I’ll give you the pricing downstairs.”

“Are the buyers allowed to change anything as far as layout, since it’s still under construction?”

She presses the button and I’m growing more irritated with her by the minute.

“What’s the rush, Helena? She has to sell this property with nothing but an artist’s concept video and a floor plan.”

I hate the fact that Carm has to come to my defense.

I walk away from the elevator and back into the space. “This unit, for instance.” I step over the entrance. “How will my client know the views they’re getting? I’m going to have to have someone come and take pictures unless you supply them.”

Helena huffs and joins me.

“They’ll be overlooking the garden and pool of the building next door.” I point below us.

“Yes, but look out there.” Her arms widen.

“But then look down,” I say.

“A pool could be inviting,” Carm remarks, and irritation pricks my neck.

“Not when the guy lounging on a chair is naked.”

They look harder and gasp.

“Well, it’s New York, what can you do?” Helena shrugs.

“If that man happens to be out there when clients come to view the unit, it will not sell.”

“Let’s cross that bridge when we get there.”

I stop her before she can turn around and I catch Carm smiling, but he diverts his gaze out the window again.