Which I don’t understand, because it appears that they have a good relationship.

“No, I could never leave Vista Park, but Greg thinks I should expand.” Linda smiles at Greg and inches closer to him.

He looks at her fondly, and I suddenly feel as though I’m interrupting a moment. “Her pastries would do so well up here. Add in some killer coffee and you’d have lines out the door.”

“You’re a baker?” I ask, trying to steer this conversation anywhere other than the direction it’s going because I can tell Bella’s upset and the last thing I want is to be part of a family spat.

“I am. Stop by Bella’s office this afternoon. I have a basket full of cookies being delivered to Max.” She smiles.

“I thought you’d come back with me and we’d give them to her?” Bella interrupts, sounding like a disappointed nine-year-old.

Linda looks at Greg. “We’re going to see the sights, so we had a courier pick them up this morning. But I’m all yours tomorrow.”

“Until we leave for the Hamptons,” Greg reminds her.

“That’s right, and I was hoping we could go shopping?” She looks at her daughter.

Bella sighs. “Mom, I have to work.”

“Okay, well, let’s do lunch,” she says with a small frown.

“Breakfast would be better.” Greg slides another forkful of eggs Benedict into his mouth.

Linda looks at her daughter.

Bella puts down her fork, a piece of cantaloupe attached, and pushes away her plate. “Sure.”


“Then I’ll take you shopping,” Greg says, searching for Linda’s hand under the table.

Linda smiles as if he’s a damn rock star, and I can’t help turning toward Bella to see her gaze focused on her teacup.

“You’re going to the Hamptons?” I ask, once again trying to move the conversation forward. “My brother’s girlfriend has been on me about finding her and my brother a place. Do you own any other properties there?”

I’d do just about anything for my family, and Annie is family now. If she wants the Hamptons summer experience, I’m going to deliver.

“I do. I can give you my guy’s number up there, but…” He glances at Linda then at Bella. “I was going to offer my house to Bella this summer since I’ll be in Florida with Linda.”

I want to raise my hand and ask Linda to adopt me with all the kissing up Greg seems to be doing to Bella.

Bella perks up for the first time this whole meal. “Oh, my friend wanted to go, but I told her I have to work.”

Greg chuckles. “I’m all for hard work, but you only live once. It took me a long time to realize that. My fourteen-hour days at the office are over now.”

Hello, he’s in his late fifties and owns half the city. He has the luxury of sitting on his ass on Florida beaches.

“Take the house. Maybe you guys can come up with some arrangement. It has ten bedrooms and is right on the ocean.”

“I’ll pay you,” Bella says.

I choke on my coffee for a second. Does she have any idea how much that would cost? Greg chuckles. I think we’re on the same wavelength.

Bella peeks at me. “Maybe Enzo and Annie wouldn’t mind having us as roommates?”

I shrug. As if I would mention this to them.

“When I was your age, I rented a house with my friends. It was the best summer of my life,” Greg says, smiling.