My mom looks on with intrigue, waiting for answers.
“Not really,” I say at the same time Carm says, “Yes.”
“Our offices are across the hall from one another,” I rush to explain. “I recently relocated my office to the same building as his.”
“You’re a realtor?” my mom asks. If I only could give her the Cliff’s Notes version.
“I am. Good to meet the mother who raised this lovely woman.” He puts out his hand, and I roll my eyes. He’s laying it on a little thick.
When my eyes manage not to lodge themselves in the back of my head, I notice that Greg saw me. He smirks.
Great first impression I’m making.
“This is the realtor I have the meeting with, Linda,” Greg says, placing his hand on the small of her back.
Since my dad’s death, I’ve seen many men do that exact same move. It never gets easier. Whether it was my father’s sudden death or the fact that I know how in love they were, it’s like a quick slice to my skin every time. I wonder if my dad is up there cursing her for trying to replace him, or does he want her to be happy?
Carm’s shoulder bumps mine, and I look at him. What I see isn’t gloating or smugness; he appears empathetic. Am I that transparent right now?
“Let’s sit,” Greg says.
“Oh, I thought…” I say.
“All four of us?” Carm asks.
“Originally I was going to have the meeting with Carm while Linda and Bella caught up, but I just had an epiphany when we made our introductions.”
I look at my mom and she shrugs, smiling more at Carm than me.
We sit around the table and I watch as she pulls out her phone. My phone dings seconds later. I’m pretty sure the other two people at the table know she messaged me. Discretion is not in her vocabulary.
Carm glances at me but swivels his chair so he’s more in line with Greg. Go figure. Anything for the deal.
The waitress comes over and goes through the specials then takes our drink orders. I slide my phone out to see what my mom has to say.
Mom: Are you dating him?
I type a quick response.
Me: NO
Mom: He’s handsome.
I roll my eyes and drop my phone into my purse where it hangs off the back of the chair. She smiles at me. I unwrap my silverware and place the napkin in my lap.
“I’m just going to cut to the chase. I’m a straight-shooter,” Greg says.
Carm straightens in his chair. “I’m the same. Tell it like it is.”
What a suck-up.
Greg humors him with a smile. “I like you, Carm. I’ve done my research. My vice president said you did a helluva job moving his penthouse. Got him over asking. Said I should give you a shot. I also heard that you’re the new blood who doesn’t accept no or the word can’t.”
I inwardly roll my eyes this time, because I don’t want Greg to catch me again.
“Yes, sir. I have some figures from this past year that I think will help convince you I’m the guy for you.”
Greg raises his hand. Before he can speak, the waitress brings our coffee and teas. I’m tempted to ask her for a large amount of Bailey’s in my coffee.