
How do I always get myself into these situations? Dr. Newberry told me to assert myself. Not to let people convince me to do something I don’t want to or to feel bad because I say no to something. Yet here I am, stepping out of a cab with a man I think of as my enemy, his brother, and his girlfriend.

It’ll be nice to have friends at the office. That’s my excuse.

Carm, being Carm, glances at the line wrapping around the building and beelines it to the bouncer. Of course he knows him. He probably picks up a different woman every night of the week here.

I watch him talk to the bouncer, his back to me, and can’t help but notice that Carm’s jeans mold to his ass perfectly.

My belly dips as if I just tipped over a hill on a rollercoaster. What will happen behind those closed doors? Will this club become the location of a memory I’ll regret forever? Because when Carm’s strong arms and solid chest were pressed against me after I scored a strike, for a moment, I wondered what if he wasn’t a high-end broker and I wasn’t the FSBO girl? What if we just happened to meet at a coffee shop? Would I have allowed him to take me home and give me a night I’m sure I’d never forget?

“Let’s go.” Carm waits near the bouncer.

Annie and Enzo head in with me trailing behind.

“You’re on a first-name basis, I presume?” I snipe as I pass him.

“A thank you would be nice.”

“Thanks,” I say over my shoulder, and we step into the dark club with pounding dance music.

Annie and Enzo head straight to the bar. I’m about to follow when Carm grabs my elbow and pulls me to the side. A big body runs into me from behind, and I lose my footing on my heels, falling into Carm’s chest. His hands grip my upper arms before I end up in a pile at his feet. Which he’d probably like.

“Thanks,” I mumble, humbled by the fact that he saved me from embarrassment.

“Can we call this off for tonight?” he asks.

“Call what off?”

“The fact we dislike each other. I don’t really want to be here, and I’m fairly sure you don’t either, so why don’t we just make the most of it?” He holds my gaze, and I find it hard to look away.

I nod because he’s right. We’re going to be stuck together all night. Might as well try to make it not completely miserable.

“Good. Now what can I get you to drink?” He places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me toward the bar.

“I can get my own—”

“What can I get you to drink, Bella?” His words are contrite, as though he’s exasperated with me.

“Negroni, please.”

He nods. “Done.”

I hang back with Annie while Carm squeezes in next to Enzo. The two brothers have a demanding presence with their height and good looks, and it doesn’t take them long to be served.

“Want to go out there?” Annie asks.

I glance down at her because I have a few inches on her, especially in my heels. I haven’t known her long, but I haven’t gotten this vibe from her during office hours.

“Come on. I’ve got a booth.” Carm hands me a drink, and our fingers brush against each other’s.

Nothing. No zing. Good.

But then his hand finds my lower back again and electricity flows through my body.

“So what’s the word about the Hamptons, Carm? Enzo said you were setting us up.” Annie slides into the booth. I half expected her to be on the dance floor already.