
Since my client had to move our appointment to a different evening, I was going to head to my brother’s office and tag along with him and Annie to the stupid meet-and-greet they set up. Or I should say Annie. No way Enzo had a hand in this. He likes to socialize with others the same way a cat does—on his terms.

But plans change.

The plan now is to find out if Bella Scott is attending the little shindig tonight. I’m happy to follow her while she’s wearing those plaid pants and black high heels. Her matching jacket is just short enough that I can watch her ass move as she struts toward the elevator.

Yeah, yeah, I know I’m being a complete douche, but seriously, no heterosexual male could keep his eyes off the luscious view in front of me.

She stops, swivels, and my eyes don’t have enough time to clip up. By the time I do meet her gaze, she’s staring at me with her head tilted and impatience in her beautiful green eyes. Her ivory blouse dips between her breasts. If she wasn’t my enemy, I’d suggest skipping the duckpin bowling and heading back to my place.

“Mind keeping your eyes up here?” She uses two fingers to point at her eyes.

I swallow, hoping the desire coursing through my body isn’t obvious and abates quickly. “Sorry, I’m human.”

She presses her lips together and shakes her head. The elevator arrives and she steps in, clutching her purse at her side.

“You heading to the meet-and-greet?” I ask.

“Yeah,” she answers, her eyes focused on the numbers above the door.

I’d chance a closer look at her, but she can’t know she has a leg up on me. She’s beautiful and she knows it, and I’m sure she wouldn’t fail to use it against me.

“Sorry to hear you can’t make it.” It’s clear from her tone that she’s the opposite of sorry. She actually sounds pleased.

I tilt my head. She was already informed I wouldn’t be there. Interesting. How did she…


I wasn’t going to go—until one client changed our meeting and the other was stolen. This building is small by New York City standards, but my business breeds on connections with people. Hopefully I’ll walk away from tonight with a few leads. “Actually, my plans changed. I’m going now. We can share a cab.”

The elevator doors open, and she sprints out.

“I have to make a pit stop first,” she says over her shoulder, never making direct eye contact with me.

She opens the front door of the building before I have a chance to hold it open for her. I’m not a complete douche. An Italian mama raised me.

“I don’t mind. We’re early. I was going to do a few practice runs.”

Because I have to beat Enzo tonight. Another reason I changed my mind. I never give up a chance to beat my bigger brother.

“I don’t think so.” She stops on the curb, holding her hand out for a taxi.

“Come on. Might as well get to know one another.” I don’t know why I’m pushing so hard. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

Her eyes zero in on something over my shoulder, and I follow her line of sight to my billboard ad.

“Want me to strip down so you can compare?” I ask.

Her mouth parts slightly. A taxi stops in front of her, but she’s still processing my words. Maybe she wants me to strip. Hell, I wouldn’t mind a whole enemies-fuck-fest, getting all the pent-up anger toward one another out in a sweaty mess of ripped clothes and love bites. But I’m not sure she’s the type of woman who goes for that.

I open the taxi door for her, and she slides in but doesn’t move over.

“Come on, what’s the big deal?”

She leans forward, shuts the door, and the taxi pulls away from the corner before I have a chance to hop in.