
I’m in my office when Max peeks her head in. Her messy bob with blue ombre looks gorgeous on her. I envy her for the self-esteem to do it. Makes me want to give myself a makeover.

“There’s a girl named Annie Stewart here for you,” she says.

“Dark hair? Cute smile?”

She nods.

“Send her in.”

Max opens my door all the way and Annie waves from the other side of Max’s desk. “Sorry for interrupting, this won’t take long.” She smiles at Max.

Annie is girl-next-door gorgeous. She has a face that makes you feel as though you can trust her with your darkest secrets. I’ve yet to meet the other Mancini in this office building, but I can see why he nailed her down when he got the chance.

Max is about to shut the door, but Annie stops her. “You might be interested in this too.”

Max exchanges a look with me and leans her shoulder on the doorframe. Annie positions herself between us.

“So the building is kind of small as far as office buildings go. I come from working in a huge high-rise where you might never see the same person twice. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to organize a get-together?” She hands me a flyer for duckpin bowling then passes one to Max. “They’re these little pins and small balls. I rented it out for the night. There’ll be appetizers. It’s a way for all of us to get to know one another.”

“Why?” Max asks like the true New York City native she is.

It’s one thing I love about her, but I’m from a small town in Florida, so I get what Annie’s trying to do. It’d be nice to get to know the people we ride up and down the elevator with every day, rather than suffer through awkward silence.

Annie stares at Max as though she’s the snarky high school girl who wears black every day. “Just for friendship and to make it more pleasant around here.”

Max hands back the flyer. “I’m out.”

Annie’s smile turns down as she casts her gaze on me.

“Sorry, she’s not into meeting new people.” I shrug.

“Will you come?”

I read the date. Tomorrow. I don’t even have the excuse of visiting clients at night or showing property anymore. That was always my go-to. Annie doesn’t know me though. I could lie about a significant other or even a dentist appointment. But seeing how deflated she seemed when Max shut her down, I find myself not wanting to let her down further.

“Sure, I’ll go.”

“Really?” Her eyes light up.

“Am I the only one accepting this invitation?” I ask.

“No! Most of the people from the accounting firm on the fourth floor are coming, and same with the architectural firm on the second.” I wonder who else might be coming and I guess she reads my face because she says, “Carm isn’t coming. He has a meeting or something. The guy has no social life.”

I find the tension that was building inside me dissipate. “Great. I’ll see you then.”

“It’s going to be so much fun.” She turns on her heels and heads to my door but whips around one more time. “And you get to meet Enzo. No worries, he’s nothing like Carm.”

I smile. “I look forward to it.”

Annie and her giddy excitement walk out of my office, past Max, and out the door.

Max twirls around in her chair. “Why would you go to that thing?”

I shrug. “Because we should be friendly.”