“You’re about to end up in his boat.” I flip my thumb in Enzo’s direction.
Dom mocks offense. “You have no idea how great my life is.”
I roll my eyes, and thankfully Kate comes over with a Stella but has no time to give me her flirtatious looks. I know she likes me, but anyone can tell she’s one of those girls you go on a date with and then she’s waiting by the phone. We’d have to find a new place to lunch every Thursday, and I don’t want to listen to my brothers’ bitching.
“Other than the twenty-four seven sex you’re having, which we all know will eventually die a sudden death, why do you actually enjoy being in a relationship?” Dom asks.
I quirk my brow at Dom. “You fell for your fuck buddy?”
He shakes his head and gives me an expression that says, “shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Enzo puts down his piece of pizza and wipes his mouth. “It’s hard to explain. I mean, the sex is crazy good. The more she figures out what makes me tick and I figure out what drives her crazy, the pleasure just increases. But it’s not just that. It’s her. The way her body slides into my side on the couch, her cute pink toes running along the top of my feet under the blanket, the way she’s never afraid to speak her mind—”
“Okay, we get it.” I yawn from boredom.
Enzo buries his head back in his pizza. I could razz him about pink toes and snuggle time, but he doesn’t care. I get no reaction out of him anymore, so what fun is that?
“Did you hear Mauro and his fiancée are coming to New York?” Dom asks.
“We were on the same group text,” I say.
“He said dinner on Friday, I think?” Enzo rehashes.
Now I’m worried about my brothers’ memories. We were all on the same thread.
“Who’s making the reservations?” Dom asks.
We each put down our silverware and put our fists on our open palms.
“One. Two. Three.”
Dom shoots paper.
I shoot scissors.
Enzo shoots paper.
I click my tongue on the roof of my mouth, thankful I’m out. Even though we all know Enzo will lose. He always does.
They stare at one another.
“Annie’s not here to save you,” Dom eggs him.
“One. Two. Three,” Enzo says.
Dom shoots rock.
Enzo shoots scissors. He shakes his head, and we laugh.
Told you. The guy can’t win to save his life.
He eyes us. “Fine, but no complaints on what I book.”
“I don’t care where we go. Maybe Annie should take Maddie and go somewhere girly,” I say.
Enzo crinkles his forehead.
“Oh, I forgot you can’t go an hour without her.” I take a sip from my Stella.