Annie slides off the desk, straightening her skirt, while Carm sits in the chair across from me. I missed her so badly last night I almost say screw it and kick him out, but I can tell that something has him really worked up.

“Thanks for ruining my fun afternoon,” Annie says pointedly.

“Yeah, yeah, I have bigger problems than feeling guilty that you didn’t get your ten orgasms today.”

“Jealous?’ she asks, her eyebrows lifted.

Yeah, she’s fucking fantastic, right?

“The red-haired she-devil is pissing me off. She just stole a client from me in the elevator on the way up to my office.”

Annie purses her lips. “Sounds like some brotherly advice is needed. I have to go change my appointment with my therapist anyway. Good luck, Carm.” She touches my back, kisses my cheek, then saunters out of the room, opening the blinds again before she goes.

Annie’s in therapy to work through some of the issues her mom stepping out of her life caused. It’s done her a lot of good, and every week, she seems to make progress. I’m not holding my breath for the two of them to have a relationship, but if my girl’s happy, so am I.

I watch her go with longing, my dick unhappy with my decision to hear my brother out instead of being balls-deep in the woman I love.

“Don’t ever barge into my office again,” I say, sitting down.

“You two are worse than bunnies. Seriously, it’s gross.”

I ignore his juvenile attitude. “Why is the she-devil in the building?”

“Get this… she moved into the office across the hall from mine.”

I laugh.

Carm looks at me like ‘what the fuck?’

I laugh harder. “Sorry, but man, this is gonna be fun to watch. Why would she do that?”

He throws his hands in the air. “Have all the orgasms made you brain-dead? She’s obviously trying to steal all my clients.”

“I don’t think so.”

“You know what? I’m going down there to give her a piece of my mind.” He stands and stomps out of my office.

I ignore my brother’s tantrum over the first woman who will challenge him. Picking up the phone, I hit Annie’s extension, and her eyes find mine from across the hall when she picks up.

“Come back over and let’s finish what we started.”

“You come here,” she says and wiggles her finger at me. “Please, Enzo?”

I hang up the phone and walk out of my office right into hers. I shut the blinds and properly show her how much I missed her.

You can’t turn a lady down when she says please.