
“She’s going to see us,” Carm says, peeking out from behind a fake bush placed in between the bar and restaurant.

“He pulled out her chair, so that’s good,” Dom says. “Gentlemanly.”

I drink my beer, pulling up my email on my phone.

* * *

To: Annie Stewart ([emailprotected]electromail.com)

From: Lorenzo Mancini ([emailprotected])

Subject: Bored

I’m bored and I want to come over. Come being the most important word in that sentence. ;)

* * *

I knowshe’s on her computer because she told me, for the first weekend night since we’ve been together, that we’re not meeting tonight. The tampon pitch is next week, and she needs to concentrate. Hence why I’m here with my brothers, spying on Blanca’s date with Jake.

I’m usually a convincing guy, but Blanca was suspicious when I told her I had a great coworker to set her up with. She’s not stupid. She knows what we’re trying to do. But she agreed anyway, which goes to prove that she does want to find someone.

My phone vibrates.

* * *

To: Lorenzo Mancini ([emailprotected])

From: Annie Stewart ([emailprotected]electromail.com)

Subject: Family time

I thought you were going out with your brothers for some quality time? Don’t call me later for a booty call when you’re drunk.

* * *

I press Reply.

* * *

To: Annie Stewart ([emailprotected]electromail.com)

From: Lorenzo Mancini ([emailprotected])

Subject: Booty Call Benefits?

If I were a lesser man, I might ask what the point of having a girlfriend is if you can’t booty call her. I own that booty! Truth is that I really want to slide into bed with you tonight.



* * *

I place my phone down.Carm is playing peek-a-boo through the bushes, and Dom’s ordering food. Does the guy ever let himself get hungry?