* * *

I sendher the email since it’s our go-to communication at work. We’re off the radar of the IT guys and she doesn’t have to have her cell phone out all the time.

With the blinds drawn, I won’t see when she returns to her desk, so I focus on the Orange Glow account while I wait for her. But the entire time I try to work, the conversation with Mr. Jacobson runs through my head. What a sexist prick. I mean, not only his feelings about Annie but in relation to me. Even if there was a daycare, who cares? I bet there would be fewer absences and more productive workers.

There’s a knock on my door.

“Come in.”

Annie walks in. “Why are the blinds drawn? Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not gonna happen.”

I lock the door using the button under my desk.

“Enzo…” Her tone is one of warning.

I walk across the room, pull her into my chest, and bring my lips to hers. As always, her fight wanes because she wants me as much as I want her.

My hands run up her back, but I rest my forehead on hers. “Am I a misogynist?”

“What?” She places her hands on my cheeks.

“Before you got to know me, did you think I was a misogynist?”

Her face softens as if she wants to let me down lightly. “I didn’t really know. I mean, you were Lorenzo Mancini, the asshole who kept expecting unrealistic things from his assistant. I didn’t think you were a misogynist per se.”


“You know the advertising game. It’s a man’s world.”

I break apart from her and head over to the couch. She follows.

“Yeah, but…”

“Enzo, you’re a man, so maybe you don’t see things as blatantly as a woman might. But I never saw you purposely knock a woman down. Other than the whole dry cleaning thing, you never did anything degrading. Except for the blinds being shut right now and the rumors that are bound to swirl.” She raises her eyebrows.

“I really want to be inside you right now.” I squeeze her knee.

“Is this about the meeting with Mr. Jacobson? Did it not go well? Did he say anything about the partnership?”

She hammers me with all these questions, but I can’t tell her the shitty things her boss thinks. But she should know so she can go somewhere else. She could go to Coddle.

The selfish part of me doesn’t want that to happen. I like her. I like spending time with her. Hell, I like working with her and seeing her in action. And I really like fucking her. Her strict rule of only one sleepover during the week isn’t the best, but if she takes the Coddle job, she’ll move to Houston.

“The tampon ad is yours,” I spit it out.


I nod. “I’m here to guide you, but truth is, you don’t need me. It’s yours.”

“Enzo.” Her hand covers her heart. Then the excitement in her eyes fade. “Wait. Is this because I’m a woman?”

I run my thumb over her cheek. “You do know the product.”

She nods, but she knows why it’s hers. She also won’t make waves because it’s the first account she’s had to herself.

“I’m sure Blair will love it.” I roll my eyes.

“Stop being so sour toward her. It’s not her fault I’m awesome and she wanted to snatch me up out of your grip.”

I grip her hips and pull her onto my lap. “She has no idea the fight she’ll get.”

She smiles but says nothing.

“I’ll work on the condom ad while you’re doing the tampon one. After you present, you can hop on the condom one and help finish it up. Before we know it, you’ll be a junior ad exec and I’ll be partner.”

Her head dips, and I capture her lips with a kiss I’m hoping convinces the both of us.