He laughs, his pen playing a game of teeter-totter again. “I have to find a guy for my sister.” The pen stops moving.

A laugh bursts from my mouth so loudly, I fear the other side will hear me.

“Why is that funny?” He looks offended.

I stand up to grab another water bottle from the mini fridge. “Most brothers try to keep guys away from their sister. You know, the whole ‘no one is good enough’ cliché?”

He remains silent.

“Why are you the one in charge of this? There’re three of you.”

His shoulders sag a bit.

Okay, I’ve always found Enzo attractive. A successful man gets a checkmark right off the top, and to a certain extent, as bad as it is to say, his assholish demeanor ramped up his sexiness. Only because I’d wonder why he was an asshole. Did some girl hurt him so badly it ruined him for the rest of us?

But these weeks that I’ve been able to see a more vulnerable side to his personality have made me even more attracted to him. He has a depth I didn’t expect.

“I lost.”

“You lost? What does that mean?” I slide back into my chair, unscrewing the cap on the bottle. The cold fluid is a relief from where my mind keeps wandering.

“We hashed it out and I got… picked to find the guy.”

“You’re giving me bits and pieces and I’m still not sure what you’re saying.”

He throws his hands up, swivels his chair, and heads to the mini fridge. “We play rock, paper, scissors and they say I always lose. I don’t. But I did this time.”

“You guys play rock, paper, scissors?”

“It’s the easiest way for us to come to a decision when none of us wants to do something.”

I tap my pen against my lips and his eyes focus on the motion, so I put the pen on the table. “I’m just curious, you guys do rock, paper, scissors to decide which of you will find a date for your sister that’ll hopefully turn into something serious, but you don’t do the same to choose which of you should find a woman to maybe marry?”

He tilts his head as if this is the first time he’s thought of it. Then he shakes his head. “Blanca wants to get married.”

Blanca? What a beautiful name. I get Annie and she gets Blanca. Life is so unfair.

“Are you sure?”

He sits back down, opens up his bottle, and downs half the contents. “She’s a girl. Don’t all girls dream of their wedding day?”

I stare blankly at him. He’s joking. Any minute he’s going to laugh.

He doesn’t laugh.

“No. They don’t.”

“Really?” A crease forms between his eyebrows.

“Do you think every woman you sleep with is waiting for a ring the next morning?”

He shrugs, sipping more water.

“You do!” I point. “So if we slept together, you’d be thinking I want to be your wife?”

He tilts his head and locks eyes with me. “Why are you putting yourself in this scenario?”

I look away and my eyes fall to the opening of his legs. Damn it. I tear my eyes away, but the smirk on his face says he saw me.