“So?” Annie says.
“So… we’re not getting an annulment as of right now.”
“Yay!” Bella screams, hugging me while trying not to get me dirty from the meat on her gloves.
“That’s great,” Annie says.
Anna looks at me and smiles contently with an expression that says, “See, I’m always right.”
Blanca walks in. “What’d I miss?”
“The marriage is still on,” Annie says.
Blanca drops her purse on a kitchen chair before washing her hands. “Well, duh.”
“Yeah, but they were going to get it annulled since they were drunk and—” Bella notices Blanca’s expression.
“What?” Blanca comes over with her paper towel, drying her hands with wide eyes.
“You didn’t know?” Bella asks.
“No! Am I the only one?” She points at Anna’s back as she pretends like she didn’t know.
I nod. “We were drunk and were going to get it annulled, but now we’re going to try to make it work.”
Blanca plops down on a chair. “Why am I the last to know everything?”
We all share a laugh, but Blanca reminds me a lot of Gia with the cupcake thing.