
I’m exhausted by the time I insert my key into Dom’s lock on Monday night. I was up most of the night before with Dom, eating, having sex, and watching television. I feel as though I need to soak up every second we have together before the week is over.

I push the door open, and a woman’s voice stops me in my tracks until I see Blanca on the couch, typing on her phone. Dom turns toward me and smiles. I can’t even explain the feeling that courses through my body when his smile is directed at me. He’s usually so guarded, he downplays a lot of the enjoyment.

“You’re home earlier than I thought.” He rises from the couch to greet me.

“I finished up some admin stuff faster than I thought, and I don’t have to teach tonight.”

His lips press to my cheek and his strong palm to my lower back. “She’s staying for dinner,” he whispers in my ear.

“Okay,” I say. Blanca was like my little sister until I ended up as a mother and a wife.

“Wine?” he asks, already heading to the kitchen, where a bottle and one glass sits on the island.

“Val!” Blanca finally notices and stands, holding her own wine glass. “How are you?” She gives me a hug and a kiss on each cheek before sliding into a chair in front of the breakfast bar.

Dom pours me a glass of white wine and opens the oven, checking on whatever he’s making. He got home early enough to cook?

I glance at the microwave clock to find it’s only six o’clock. It isn’t like him to leave early on a Monday. I swear it’s his favorite day of the week.

“Thanks,” I say, accepting the glass. An electric current rushes between us as our fingers brush.

“How’s married life?” Blanca asks.

I tilt my head and study her. Surely, she knows this is a ruse?

“It’s good. Ryder returns next week from Europe,” Dom says.

I can’t tell if he’s changing the subject on purpose.

“Oh, I saw his pictures on Instagram. I really need to get my ass in gear and get over to the Motherland.” She laughs before sipping more wine.

I sit in the chair next to her. “You follow Ryder on Instagram?”

“Yeah, is that a problem? He friended me a few years ago after we figured out you were the common denominator. He’s good friends with my friend’s little brother.”

“Who?” I ask.

“Ty Ricci. I’m friends with his older sister, Jemma.”

I nod, remembering Ty from Ryder’s grade school before we moved to Manhattan permanently after the divorce. It’s embarrassing that I didn’t know they were still in contact.

“We both ended up at the Ricci house once, and I said how you used to date Dom. I hope that was okay?”

“Of course, no worries.” I touch her hand in a reassuring manner.

Dom doesn’t turn around from whatever he’s doing at the stove.

“And look, you two ended up together.” She eyes my hand. “Where’s your ring?”

I stare at my left hand. My bare left hand. Wearing it felt weird since our charade is supposedly over. Dom turns around, staring at me with questions in his eyes.

“Work. I didn’t want it to snag any of the dance outfits. You know all those delicate fabrics.”

Dom gives us his back and Blanca stares at me like “okay whatever.”