My head whips around. She’s got that smile in place. A fixed grin women like her have mastered from conniving and manipulating people over a lifetime.
“Um… I’m not sure why you would think that.” I glance at the numbers on the elevator. Three floors to go.
“The first time I met you, he stared at your ass until you got into your office. I know men like Carm. Hell, I know Carm—well.”
The insinuation is purposeful. She’s spun this conversation just so she could tell me.
“Carm is definitely a flirt, but I’m not sure why it matters where Carm and I stand with one another. It’s none of your business.”
She laughs. The elevator dings when we reach the main floor, but she rushes forward and puts her finger on the Doors Closed button.
Oh, now she can press the buttons.
“The fact you’re calling him Carm is one sign. The other one is that he was supposed to show me a condo today, but Justin tells me his lunch is running late. You’re leaving the building in a rush, so I assume you must be his lunch.” She raises a brow in challenge.
“What’s your angle? What is it you want?”
Her gaze falls over my body. “If you can’t figure it out, then you’re as naïve as I thought you were.”
I say nothing because all I want is to end this conversation and get away from her.
“Men like Carmelo Mancini don’t change. He’s still the man who likes to celebrate with his clients after signing a deal. And I’m not talking about champagne. Consider this a nice way of telling you he’ll only crush those sweet, little girl dreams of a happily ever after you have.”
My heart rate increases, and my veins feel as if they’re pulsating. Warmth spreads up my neck and hits my cheeks. “You have no idea who I am or what I want. Please release the button.”
Another laugh escapes her throat. “I know women like you. Women who think they can change a man. I’m doing you a favor here. Believe me.”
I nudge her hand off the button. The door springs open and I rush out. “I don’t need any favors from you.”
I head to the doors, praying there’s a taxi there.
“He’s good though, right? The way he knows his way around a woman’s body. Did you think he read it in a book?” She laughs, and I raise my hand frantically for a cab. “Maybe I could join you. We could surprise him. I heard he’s into that too.”
The creamer from my coffee curdles in my stomach and tears spring to my eyes. I blink them back and keep my hand in the air. Thankfully, a taxi pulls alongside the curb and I jump in as she smiles at me with a small wave.
My hands shake in my lap as I rattle off Carm’s address. He slept with her? Maybe she’s lying.
I pull out my phone and almost call Evie for that pep talk that I’m not some naïve Cinderella looking for my Prince Charming, but that I’m a queen and deserve to be treated as such. I don’t need a man who lies and cheats and manipulates to get what he wants.
Was I the fool who let him take everything from me and now I’m just waiting until he drops me after he’s stripped me of everything, including my dignity? The rational side of me says to get his side of the story. She might like Carm and be acting out of spite.
But if they have slept together, then he’s lied to me.
My phone dings in my purse with a text message I want to ignore because I’m sure it’s Carm asking why I’m late. But when I pull it out, I see my mom’s name on the screen.
Mom: I called the office and Max said you’re out. I didn’t want to interrupt in case you’re working. I’m sorry about Greg, sweetie. It’s just business.
I clench my phone. It’s only a matter of time before Greg breaks my mom’s heart. He cut out her daughter before the competition he put into place was over. But I don’t have the heart to tell her, so I ignore her text.
The taxi stops in front of Carm’s building. I pay and step out, staring at the tall building and telling myself I need to have a spine as strong as that steel.
I can do this. I will not cry.