Justin’s face regains its color once I hang up the phone.
“Thanks,” I say, happier now that I know we’re about to lay down the law on this relationship.
He cannot send Evie in to console me when business goes his way. We have to separate business and pleasure if we’re going to coexist. All this has made me realize that we need to figure out where this is going anyway. I don’t need a proposal, but I can’t continue to exist in purgatory with him either. The thought of us not being together spurs my stomach to revolt against the only thing I’ve had this morning—coffee.
“Can we talk before you rush over there?” Evie asks as the three of us head back to my office.
I take a seat at my desk, calculating how long it will take me to get to Carm’s condo. But then again, he’s the one who should be worried, not me.
“Yeah,” I say and signal to my small couch in the corner of the office.
She shuts the door and sits down, crossing her legs so they don’t touch the floor. I always admire her “I am who I am and no one or thing will change me” attitude. I get up from my desk and take a seat beside her.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you out in the cold like that these past weeks. It’s wrong of me to judge. It’s just that you deserve so much better than a guy who is going to use you for sex and toss you aside.”
I cross my legs and lean back into the soft fabric. “It’s not really like that. I was on board with the whole thing. We’re having fun, and I kind of enjoy the non-label.”
She shoots me her look that says, really?
“It’s true. I can’t deny that I’ve grown to like the egomaniac, but he’s not who we thought he was. There’s a layer underneath that’s kind and sweet and…” I don’t finish because I can tell from the way her head slightly falls back and her eyes widen a millimeter, she’s taking my compliments to mean I’ve fallen.
Truth is, I kind of have. Which is why I’m not sure this arrangement of ours can last much longer.
“So it’s too late.”
“No.” I look out my door at Max.
Justin’s at the edge of her desk and they’re having a heated discussion—probably about how we busted in and attacked him. I smile because she’ll own him in and out of the bedroom, I’m sure. They’re two dramatically different people. But so are Carm and me.
Evie pats my leg. “I don’t like it, but the fact that he was worried enough to beg me to come over here so you wouldn’t be alone when that douche Throttle called says that maybe I was wrong about him. Your business is your business. You know I’ll be there for you regardless of the outcome—whether I’m the maid of honor or a gravedigger.”
I laugh, happy to have my friend back.
“But do me one favor,” she says with a crease between her eyebrows.
“Don’t sell yourself short. You’re an amazing woman, and you’ve been through hell this last year. None of that means you don’t deserve a guy to worship your feet. If you want to just have fun and damn the consequences, well, I can’t be a hypocrite, but make sure it’s not because you’re settling.”
I nod and debate telling her the truth. She’s being upfront with me, so how can I not with her? My head falls into my hands.
“What? Is this about…” I shake my head and she slides over, putting her arm around my shoulders. “What is it then?”
“I think I’ve fallen,” I mumble.
“Come again?” She swipes back the veil of hair blocking her view of me.
I pick up my head. “I’ve already fallen for him. It’s done and over.”
“Oh.” A smile lights up her eyes.
“Then I think it’s time for you and Carm to be adults and talk this out, because you might not be alone.”