I laugh, looking at the five-foot-three woman. “What?”
“I sense trouble.” She raises her eyebrows.
“Come on. Let me grab that listing. Sorry I was late getting back.”
She waves off my concern. “I was going to head down to the corner and check out a new shop that just opened up. You saved me from buying something I don’t need.”
I chuckle. “Always at your service.” I grip the door handle. “I’m sure Justin was excited to see you.”
“Of course he was. He always likes to glance down my blouse. That boy needs to get laid.”
I open the door for her, and she walks in first. I follow, remembering how lucky I was to get Margo’s business in the first place. She’s referred so many of her rich friends to me that she’s one of the launching points of my career.
I decide to ignore her comment about Justin because even though Margo loves to talk about sex, I’d prefer to keep our conversation today on neutral ground.
I’m still dealing with the aftereffects of having Bella’s body pressed to mine.
* * *
On Friday,I walk into the restaurant Enzo booked, and the hostess walks me to a private room. I’m not surprised Enzo picked this place—it’s where he used to take all of his big clients when he worked at Jacobson and Earl.
I open the curtains and jump into the room, trying to startle whoever’s in there.
Sadly, it’s only Dom, a drink in one hand, his phone in the other, thumb scrolling.
“Whatcha doin’?” I ask, taking the seat next to him. We’re the only two flying solo here tonight. Even Blanca is bringing her new guy, who I’ve yet to meet. He’ll be my fun for tonight though.
Dom stops scrolling and tucks his phone into the breast pocket of his suit jacket.
“Were you playing a game?”
He glances at me. “I have more important shit to do than to put a ball into a hole.”
“What about a dick?” I ask.
A smile tips his lips but quickly falls.
“So your regular hook-up thing ended? You had a nice little arrangement going on there the past year,” I say.
“Yeah.” His voice is low, and he downs half of his drink.
“And you’re upset?” I ask in disbelief.
“Hell no. She was a hookup. That’s all.”
Fuck. I haven’t seen a Mancini man this down since… well, a long fucking time. Minus Enzo with Annie when things went in the shitter, but they’re together now, so I tend to forget all about that. “You’re not acting like she was just a hookup.”
The waiter comes in and I order Stella with a glass.
Dom picks up his near empty glass before the waiter can leave. “Another.”
Once the waiter is gone, I slide my chair so I’m facing him. “You liked her.” My words aren’t a question, they’re an accusation.
Dom’s finger smooths out the tablecloth. “I liked her pussy. Especially when my dick was in it.”
Whoa. This is serious, folks.
“Then what happened?”