Page 9 of Dillon's Heart

Dillon and I eat in silence for a few moments. I think my wine-soaked brain is still trying to process that he's in love with me. I didn't expect him to say that. Who am I kidding? I didn't expect to tellhimthat. But it's true. I am in love with this bossy, overgrown, possessive, crazy man.

"You're thinking too much," he says suddenly, dropping his silverware to his plate and reaching for my chair. He drags it around the side of the table toward him, squishing me up against his side. There's absolutely not enough room for us both on one side, but he doesn't care. Once I'm where he wants me, he grunts, grabs my plate, and then places it in front of me.

"I'm a woman. We tend to think," I say, amused by his behavior. He's such a caveman.

"I don't like it."

"Too bad, caveman."

He growls. "Look, little firecracker," he says, turning to face me. His serious expression sends a frisson of heat through me. "I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you. I may rush you and I may be a caveman, but you're holding all the cards here, not me. You're in charge. If you need me to slow down, just say the words."


A look of dread passes through his expression before he manages to school it. "Yeah, baby girl?"

"Don't slow down," I whisper, shaking my head. Maybe we are moving at the speed of light, and maybe it is a little overwhelming, but it feels right. He feels right. Just yesterday, I helped a newborn fight for her life while Tate repaired her heart. If anything had gone wrong, we would have lost her. Her life would have ended before it even began. I don't want to spend my life holding myself back, afraid to take chances. I want tolive, really live. And I want to do that with Dillon. I'm done running from him and the way he makes me feel. If he's all in, so am I.

I've done my thinking, and my mind is made up. I choose Dillon. I’ll pick being crazy with him over being miserable without him any day.

"Fuck," he growls, emotion flaring in his expression. The same rises in me, surging through my veins in response to the look in his eyes. "How's your head feeling?"

"It's fine."

"Good." He pushes his chair back from the table, rising to his feet in one abrupt motion. Two seconds later, I'm in his arms and he's storming from the kitchen. "We're both going to be late for work today, little firecracker, and it's entirely your fault."

"Dillon!" I cry, squirming in his arms. "I can't be late."

"Too bad, Jules," he growls. "Tell them you have an appointment with justice. It's time for you to pay your ticket."



Three Months Later

Ipush the Silver Spoon Falls courthouse door open and feel the warm sun beating down on me. After a three-hour-long meeting with Mayor Branson over the shitshow with his brother, I’m ready to get the fuck out of here. Dumbass Brady Branson is giving the Silver Spoon MC a run for their money. The goddamn Prospect’s middle name isFuck Up. Feeling a little twinge in my chest that reminds me it’s been five hours since the last time I kissed Jules’ lips, I decide to stop by the doctor’s office to check on my girl.

I start my cruiser and crank the AC full-on to icy blast. My phone buzzes a second before an English man’s voice comes on to announce, “Silver Spoon Pediatric Surgery.” Jules hated the sexy female voice that came standard on the vehicle’s Bluetooth, and I will do anything to make her happy so I changed it to a dude’s voice. A smile breaks out on my face as I answer, “Perfect timing, little firecracker.”

“Fuck you.” I’m expecting her sweet voice and instead get Tate’s gruff growl. “I’m going to kick your ass for ruining the best nurse I’ve ever had.”

My heart seizes in my chest while the worst-case scenarios flash through my mind. After running over the curb and almost hitting a fire hydrant, I park on the side of the road and beg, “Please tell me Jules is okay.”

Tate grumbles under his breath for a second before sighing. “If you call puking up her breakfast non-stop until I gave her a Zofran injection fine, then yep. She’s great.” Fuck me with a wooden spoon. My swimmers did their goddamn job. I lay my head back and stare at the ceiling, letting the cold AC flow over me. Once I have feeling back in my legs, I’ll head straight to the doctor’s office and show my girl just how happy this turn of events has made me. “I can’t fucking believe you did this to me.” Tate is still grumbling when I hang up on him. I’ll apologize later when I give my girl’s notice.

As I pull into the parking spot in front of the office building, I realize I don’t remember a second of the ride here. Fuck me. I’ll worry about my issues after I check on my little firecracker. The front receptionist is smart enough to keep her lips zipped when I storm past her desk.

I push into the outer office and see Mariah sitting behind the counter. “She’s in the bathroom. Last door on left,” she calls as I rush by. “You’re welcome.”

Raising my hand over my head, I wave at her. Another apology I’ll make later. I push open the door marked “little girls” and find Jules sitting up against the wall with Tate Grimes hovering over her. Fuck. She’s pale and the dark bluish circles under her eyes are new. “Are you okay, little firecracker?” I gently wrap my arms around her, trying not to jostle my girl too much.

“Your child hates me,” she wails. “How am I going to survive eight more months like this?”

“I have no idea.” I glance up at Tate. “But I know one thing; if this is what pregnancy does to my girl, we’re only having one child. There’s no way I’ll survive watching you go through this misery again.”

“You know what they say about the best-laid plans?” Tate shakes his head sadly. “They never go according to plan.”

Ignoring his dire prediction, I help my girl to her feet. “I’m taking her home.” I don’t leave any room for argument. “I’d start looking for a replacement.” My limp firecracker is too drained to argue, but I’m sure she’ll have plenty to say once she’s recharged.