Page 8 of Dillon's Heart

I’m debating my options when my phone rings. I glance at the time and groan. Midnight calls mean one of two things. Either there’s a real emergency or someone’s pet cow got loose. Luckily for me, it’s usually the latter of the two. “Hello,” I answer, not recognizing the number.

“My feet are numb,” Jules slurs. “Can you help me wake them up? You know, like you did my little girl parts.”

“What?” Surely, I heard her wrong.

“I need you to help me. This bottle of wine has my head spinning,” she whispers before hiccupping and skipping to a new subject. “I’m ready to pay your ticket. Come and get it.”

Holy shit. My girl is three sheets to the wind. I rush upstairs and throw on an old faded concert t-shirt and tennis shoes. I hold the phone against the side of my head and fumble to dress one-handed while Jules rambles on in my ear, making absolutely no sense, but I refuse to let her hang up.

I make the normally ten-minute drive to her house in six minutes and thirty-nine seconds. Yes, I’ve timed it in the past. As the town’s head lawman, I felt it was my job to ensure the woman who owns my heart is safe and protected.And I may have stalked her a little, too, the devil sitting on my shoulder reminds me.

Wincing, I break the law out of necessity when I breeze past two stop signs and an orange, not really red, light. In the middle of the night, I’m the only vehicle on the road. Let one of my deputies attempt to pull me over; I’ll hand him his ass then assign him “walk and clean up after Mrs. Lucy’s St. Bernard” duty for the foreseeable future.

I park my cruiser in front of my girl’s adorable Cape Cod and tell her, “I just pulled up. I’ll be at your door in ten seconds.”

“Yippee.” Jules steps out onto the porch as I rush up the brick stairs. Red blurs my vision, and I barely resist the urge to spank her luscious, scantily dressed ass.

“What the fuck are you doing, going outside in that getup?” I roar as my eyes roam over her curvy body that’s displayed for the entire neighborhood to see. She’s in tight ass biker shorts and a tiny half-shirt thingy that hardly covers her ample tits. My cock ignores me and stands at attention when I notice the tiny jewel blinking from her belly button.

“Overbearing asshole,” she snaps back. “I was coming out to greet you like a normal human being, but you just have to pick a fight.” She points her finger at me. As fire flashes through her beautiful eyes, I can’t resist leaning over to place a soft kiss on her adorable button nose.

“I don’t want to fight with you. Are you okay, little firecracker?” I walk her back into the house and kick the door shut with my foot.

As she glances up, her bottom lip trembles and my thoughts turn to comforting my girl. Taking her hand, I lead her into the living room and sit on the beige leather sofa before pulling her into my lap. “Tell me about it.”

Jules lays her head on my shoulder and explains how the day went. “So, the baby is okay?” I ask, trying to make sense of her technical mumbo jumbo.

“It was touch and go, but she should be okay.” Her soft breath brushes against the side of my neck, sending hunger shooting through every molecule in my body. “She was well taken care of. Tate is the best doctor.”

“I don’t like to hear you praising another man.” I nip at the side of her luscious throat.

Jules pulls back and frowns up at me. “He’s my employer and friend.”

“And I’m your jealous man,” I remind her. “You stole my heart, and now you’re stuck with me.”

“Lucky me,” she whispers a second before I feel her breathing even out against my skin. The wine finally took its toll on my girl. As she snuggles into my arms, I realize how much it kills me to see her hurting. I plan to spend the future ensuring her happiness so I can avoid this dull ache in my chest.

After tucking my girl under her frilly covers, I pull off my jeans and t-shirt and lie down next to her. I’m honorable—to a point. I might not take advantage of her inebriated state, but leaving her in this condition isn’t a possibility.

Early morning sunlight is peeking through the half-opened blinds when I wake up to find my girl tracing a line over my heart with her soft finger. “Thank you.” She glances into my eyes and smiles. “For coming over to take care of me last night.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” I lean up and kiss her soft lips. “It’s my job to make sure you’re taken care of and happy.” Hugging her luscious body close, I run my fingers through her messy hair. “You own me, heart and soul, little firecracker.” I need to make myself clear so we don’t have any future misunderstandings. “I plan to keep you for all eternity, but I know you haven’t caught up with me yet.” She opens her mouth to interrupt, and I lay my finger over her juicy, sleep swollen lips. “I’ll give you all the time you need. Just don’t run away again or clam up.”

She bites her bottom lip, then blurts out, “I think I love you.” Her words shock the holy shit out of me. My mouth falls open, and I blink several times while my brain wakes the fuck up.

“I fell in love with you the first time you told me to buzz off.” I smile and hug her tightly. “Stunning with a sassy ass attitude. How did I get so lucky to find you?”

“Good living, I guess.”

She hops up to shower, and I head down to the kitchen. I have a goofy smile plastered across my face, and I don’t fucking care. I make her a greasy breakfast to absorb the rest of the alcohol and a pot of strong coffee.

“You are a mind reader,” she groans, taking a sip of her steaming mug of coffee. “Thank you.”

“Have a seat,” I point at the small table sitting in the bay window, “and I’ll serve you breakfast.”