
My wolf wasn’t sure how to proceed. He wanted to comfort Amara, but it was clear she had things in her past that were causing her pain. I settled for moving closer to her, letting her feel my warmth. I slowly grabbed her hand, taking care not to scare the crap out of her.

My wolf wagged his metaphorical tail as he saw Amara’s shoulders lower slightly and her heartbeat slowed. I blinked, more than a little freaked out at how worried I was over her emotional state. I was ready to do whatever was within my power to make things easier for her. A feeling of rightness radiated from my wolf but a feeling of panic was growing in my chest.

I did the only thing I had left to do - I walked forward keeping Amara's small hand tucked safely in mine.

I heard Amara’s small feet shuffling in an attempt to keep up with me. I slowed my pace, scowling to myself at the realization that I was catering to her again. This was going to be a really long, tiresome trip.

Amara stumbled and gripped my arm with both hands. My wolf fucking preened at the fact that I was the one to save her. She got her feet under her and looked adorably embarrassed.

I realized the flashlight I had given her had fallen and shattered, the light blinking off. Amara glanced up at me, embarrassment covering her face. As my eyes adjusted, I could see tears were starting to well up in her eyes and instantly I wanted to prevent them and make her smile again. “It’s fine, Amara. We don’t need the flashlights to make it out. It was just helpful, but they aren’t necessary.”

“I’m so sorry,” She sighed, her voice full of misery and something else I couldn’t put my finger on. I squeezed her hand, giving her the only comfort I could offer.

“Don’t worry about it. Just stay close to me. I’ll get us out of here safely.” She was looking up at me like I hung the moon and I realized I wanted her to look at me like that forever. I had no idea how my thoughts had moved from utter hatred and distrust to a feeling of yearning for this tiny woman, but here I am.

She is our mate. It is only right that you should want to please her. It is only right to do what is best by her.

Again with this? Aren't we over the idea of her being our mate already? We have had several women you’ve assured me were absolutely our mate and you were wrong. How do you know this isn't the same thing?

This is a woman we would take a bullet for. This is a woman who will do what is necessary for her friends and we are not just attracted to her, we are head over heels in love with her.

I don't know what universe you live in, but it ain't mine, buddy. You have a vivid imagination, but there's no way I'm in love with this woman. I don't even know what she is and finding out could change my opinion of her, for better or worse.

You can push away these thoughts and feelings all you want, but she is not going away. No matter what she turns out to be, she is it for us.

I sighed, not bothering to give my wolf a response. We obviously had different priorities when it came to Amara. We walked in silence for several minutes, Amara stumbling every couple of feet because her shoes kept hitting some of the larger rocks. She kept grabbing onto me to keep her balance and to stay upright. I wanted to be annoyed with how often she tripped, since I was used to being around other wolves who were able to keep themselves upright and prevent any tripping, but honestly I was enjoying being needed and helping Amara in some way.

There was a faded, blue light at the end of the tunnel. I heard Amara’s heart start to speed up in anticipation of being out of this dark, dank place. My brain decided it wanted to be helpful and reminded me that I had thrown Amara into the dungeon, a place similar to these tunnels. I sighed, closing my eyes before shaking those thoughts away. I couldn't do anything about my past actions. There was no point to keep harping on them.

We made it to the end of the tunnels without any incidents. Amara stood on the side while I shoved the door open. The light was blinding and we both blinked several times to adjust our eyes. Amara stepped forward and I threw up a hand in front of her. She gave me a questioning look, obviously not aware how dangerous it could be to go through a doorway first. “I am the one who goes through every doorway first, Amara. You never know what could be waiting for you on the other side. There is no reason to be be killed just because you wanted to be first.”

Amara rolled her eyes. “Then, what is your reason for going first, if you believe there's no reason to be killed for something as simple as that?”

I open my mouth prepared to argue with her, then snapped it shut. “Let's put it this way, I'm much harder to kill. So I go through every doorway first. Do you understand?”

Amara scowled,crossing her arms over her chest and pushing her tits up in a way that caused my brain to go offline for a few seconds. “Fine,” Amara ground out.

I blinked and shook my head, trying to get myself under control. I didn't know which brain was worse, whether it was the one in my head, the one in my pants or the one my wolf owned. Either way, it was getting really annoying having these emotions completely override all my training and instincts. I turned away from Amara and focused on the task at hand. I shifted the picnic basket, making sure that my dominant hand was free in case anything came at us. I slowly walked through the doorway, taking the time to eye every tree around us and scent the air.

I took a few steps out of the doorway and waited for Amara to follow me. When I glanced over my shoulder at her, she was tucked behind the doorway with her little head sticking out. I tried not to let my amusement show, but the flat look she gave me said I had failed. I chuckled and watched as she stepped out carefully before turning back and slowly shutting the door behind us. Even with the amount of care she took to close it, the sound still echoed throughout the tunnel and was easy to hear. I didn't have the heart to tell her that every wolf within six miles of us heard the sound plain as day.

She turned back to me, looking so proud of herself for quietly exiting out of the tunnel. It made my heart hurt with how adorable she looked. She tilted her head at me, staring like she was trying to figure me out. I silently wished her luck because I couldn’t figure myself out. I cleared my throat and turned away, giving her a moment to compose herself.

The breeze picked up and with it came a scent that made my blood run cold.



I was a bit disappointed when Dean turned away from me, but I couldn’t say I was surprised. I knew how he felt about me. I was deluding myself into thinking he was warming up to me after he held my hand the entire time in the tunnels. I swallowed thickly, trying to stuff the weird feelings that were creeping up into a box. I sighed before vowing to myself that I wouldn’t let my feelings go haywire again over innocuous, stupid, and polite behavior.

I straightened my shoulders with that vow, intending to get our trip underway a lot faster than it had been going. I opened my mouth to tell Dean we needed to move faster when I noticed he was focused on something hidden in the forest surrounding us. I frowned, moving toward him and put a hand on his shoulder. He tensed under my hand, a low growl building from his chest. I glanced around and noticed his eyes were burning bright yellow. I snatched my hand away and stumbled back a few steps.

“No,” He grumbled. His wolf was pushing forward. I had no idea what had set him off, but I did know that I wanted to be nowhere around him when he finished his shift. I turned on my heel and took off. I barely made it a few steps before a large white wolf jumped in front of me. I gasped and stumbled to a stop, falling on my ass and shuffling away from it.