The canines ripped through my lips, causing the taste of blood to fill my mouth. I barely felt the pain, but the panic sitting in my chest started to expand to include my entire body. I had no idea what was going on or how my wolf had gotten this amount of control over me but it wasn't good - especially considering how amazing Amara’s arousal smelled.

Amara struggled in my arms, rubbing herself against my body and causing my wolf to let out a loud and commanding growl. She froze, going stiff in my arms. My wolf was even more upset about that and pushed forward even more, causing the bones in my arms and my shoulders to break with the start of the shift. A groan escaped me as I tried to hold the shift back, but struggled to keep the control that I held so tightly.

Amara pulled back, looking alarmed. She stared up at me, watching as more bones broke and remade themselves into the new form I was about to take. She reared back and slapped me square across the face. The sound echoed throughout the dungeon, every prisoner that was watching us, waiting with bated breath. I was in so much shocked that it caused my shift to pause. My wolf was confused but it gave me the chance to seize control. I forced him back with every ounce of my strength and shifted back to my human form.

Amara tilted her head up at me, looking concerned and alarmed. I took a few heavy breaths, trying to get my breathing under control and not pass out. Every ounce of me was exhausted and just needed to rest, but we didn't have time for that.

“Thanks for that. Don't let it become a habit though - that's the only time you'll get to do that. Now, let's go.”

Amara scoffed, shaking your head. “Are you serious? That's how you're going to end this right now, after everything that just happened. Whatever.”

She walked up the dungeon steps, not bothering to look back at me or see if I was following her out.

I ran a hand down my face, tilting my head up to the ceiling and frustration. This woman was going to kill me if I didn't kill her first. My wolf growled at that thought and I shook my head, rolling my eyes at this entire situation. I glanced down the row of cells, seeing all of the prisoners who were looking at me with open curiosity and confusion. I let another snarl loose, directed at them, to remind them of who they were ogling.

All of them quickly dropped their gazes and shuffled back into their corners.

Satisfied with reminding them of their place, I turned on my heel and walked up the dungeon stairs, following after Amara’s amazing and enticing scent. I slammed the door closed behind me, the sound echoing in my brain again as I remembered locking Amara in her cell just a few hours before.

Amara stood just outside the door with her arms crossed, staring at me with a glare on her face. I scowled. “What? What do you have to say now?”

Amara just laughed, although it was completely humorless and dry. She released a deep sigh that shared exactly how exhausted she was with everything going on lately. I didn't say anything, just walked in front of her, making sure to be in the lead. I could relate to how she felt, but I couldn’t let on how exhausted I was feeling. We walked down the hallway and toward the main doors, taking the time to dodge everyone running throughout the castle.

We made it into the kitchen and paused near the doorway. There were servants running all around trying to get food and meals prepped for the dinner rush coming up. I knew the Royal Guards were having their dinner breaks coming up soon. This would be a good time for us to head out because I didn't want anyone to know I was going to be gone until after I had left and would be hopefully on my way back.

Jack was always a threat and could potentially use my absence as a chance to attack Dean and Lily. I would never forgive myself if something happened to them.

Amara pulled my arm and kept me out of the way as a servant with a stack of plates that went above his head swerved by us. He not so gracefully dump them into the cabinet where they were housed, cracking at least one or two of them loudly. Miss Kitty exclaimed in front of us, waving a wooden spoon in the servant’s direction.

“If you don't want me to paddle you with this spoon, you best be careful with those there plates. The king and queen don't want to eat off broken dishes.

Amara giggled, looking mischievous as she watched the scene in front of us unfold. I ignored the way my stomach flipped at the sound of her laugh. I just wanted to pull her into my arms and make her laugh forever. I startled when I realized the path my thoughts had taken and shook my head, scowling at nothing. I had to stop letting my wolf influence my thoughts and actions pertaining to this girl. She was a threat to the monarchy and to my livelihood. I wasn't going to trust her with a ten-foot pole until I figured out exactly what she was and maybe not even then.

“Miss Kitty, you threatened us with that wooden spoon so many times, I'm surprised it’s still able to make any type of edible meals.” Amara called out. Miss Kitty whipped around, glaring at Amara, and waving her spoon around with no qualms.

“This spoon can make any type of meals requested and it will cook circles around anyone who tries to come up in my kitchen with any other type of fancy gear. All you ever need is a wooden spoon to make the best damn meals you've ever had in your life. You're over here, making fun of this vital and spectacular tool, necessary for my creations. Maybe you shouldn't get any more my food,” Miss Kitty threatened.

Amara's eyes widened and there was a bit of panic flooding them. She opened her mouth in stunned silence. It wasn't until I chuckled that she glanced over at me, frowning. She turned back to Miss Kitty and averted her eyes. “You're right, Miss Kitty, you make the best food anyone can find within four hundred miles of the castle. I shouldn't be making fun of your tools because it must be fucking witchcraft to create what you do. I apologize for running my mouth.”

I looked down at her with a raised eyebrow, surprised at her apology and the way she worded it. I was also a bit stunned at the mouth on her but I wasn't going to say anything. Amara looked up at me and then elbowed me in the stomach. I let a small ‘oof’ out at the contact but her elbow pretty much did nothing to me.

“All right, you two, grab the basket near the door and be on your way. I don't have time to baby-sit you two in my kitchen when I'm trying to prepare a meal for our Majesty's,” Miss Kitty interrupted the stare-off Amara and I were having. I walked over to the door, picked up the big basket and turned to Amara. She looked at the basket in my hand and eyed my arm, swallowed thickly, before turning on her heel and walking out of the kitchen.

I shook my head and started after her. Miss Kitty whipped the wooden spoon in front of my face, causing me to jerk to a stop. I looked down at her, surprised she would threatened the Beta of Wolf Hollow. I knew she knew how dangerous that was and she realized that while I was not like the previous Beta, I was not someone to mess with.

“Boy, you better get your head out of your ass and treat that woman right. You may not have her by the time you do, so you best get on it. That woman needs someone to lean on, not someone to take over,” Miss Kitty scolded me.

I scoffed, shaking my head. “What are you talking about? I am not the one for her. She is not for me. We are never going to be together. She is the enemy.”

Miss Kitty chuckled, removing the spoon from my path and patting my chest lightly. “Boy, you have a lot to learn and it's going to be a very painful and difficult lesson for you. Good luck!”

I frowned after her as she turned back to her job. I put the entire conversation out of my mind, attributing it to a senile-old woman butting her nose where it didn't belong. I walked out of the kitchen and found the Amara standing in the hallway with Lily by her side.


