“You’re going to release Amara from the dungeon. Then, you’re going to escort her to Alpha Luke’s land and find out exactly what she is and what that means for us. You’re also going to look into mate bonds and find out if there is any way to postpone them or break them completely. Then, you’re going to safely escort Amara back here and report everything you two have learned to Jason and me. Do I make myself clear?”

Dean’s mouth was hanging open as he blinked at me in complete surprise. I smirked. “I’ll take that as a yes. You’re dismissed. You’ll be leaving immediately. Prepare all necessary supplies and release Amara,” I responded, walking around him and leaving the war room, letting the door shut behind me.



I sat on the small cot in the cell, shivering at the cold that was permeating the walls. I felt like I would never be warm again - all of the dungeon’s other guests looked just peachy. They were standing at the gate in between the cells, staring and calling to me. They were all wolves, their eyes glowing as they hungrily stared at me. I pulled my knees up and wrapped my arms around them. I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the wall.

I felt so alone in this big cell. I didn’t understand what was going on and I didn’t know if Lily even knew what Dean had done. I hoped she wouldn’t think that I was slacking on the assignment she gave me. I didn’t know how she and Jason were going to handle behavior problems and what their beliefs on punishment were. I had thrived in this castle after being captured as a slave six years ago because I was able to figure out what warranted punishment and how to avoid those actions.

The door down to the dungeon pulled open, the creaking echoing around the spacious room. I lifted my head and turned to look at whoever was walking down the stairs. Whoever it was, the males in the cells next to me shut their mouths for the first time since I had been brought down here. They shuffled to the back walls of their specific cells, ducked their heads, and tried to make themselves as small as possible. I shifted up to get a better look at whoever had caused this intense change in the dungeon’s residents.

Dean walked into view.


I sighed, rolled my eyes, and leaned back, putting my head against the wall again. I hated that my entire body knew exactly where he was in the room. I could feel him moving toward my cell door, standing at the front and staring down at me. I sighed again, keeping my eyes forward and unfocused. The wolf males were still keeping away from me.

“Amara,” Dean snapped. His voice caused a ripple of goosebumps to roll up my back. I kept my eyes staring forward, trying not to show how much he affected me. I heard him sigh and watched him raise a hand to rub the back of his neck out of the corner of my eye. The cell door unlocked with a loud clink that echoed in the silent room. I couldn’t stop myself from cringing at the sound. A low growl came from Dean.

I blinked, raising my head and looking at him in confusion. His eyes were glowing golden as he stood in the doorway of the cell. I sucked in a breath, scooting back on the cot. That seemed to make Dean even more upset as his lip curled in a silent snarl and he took a step into the cell. I frowned.

“Dean?” I asked, my voice tentative. That seemed to snap him out of whatever was going on with him. He cleared his throat, the golden light fading from his eyes. He frowned down at me, looking angry.

“What?” I asked.

“Come with me.” He turned around and walked out of the cell.

“How about no?”

Dean stopped and turned back to me. I could feel the rest of the dungeon waiting with baited breath as they watched the exchange between us. Dean looked surprised at my refusal to follow his orders. I assumed nobody really ever told him no. I waited for him to catch up with what was happening. I wasn’t going to be bullied into following his every direction - Beta or not, I wasn’t going to just roll over for him.

“There is no ‘no’ when it comes to any orders I give.”

“So cocky, aren’t you, Mr. Beta? Well, here’s your first taste of someone openly defying your orders. I am not going to just bare my throat to you because you spoke. You can speak to me as a normal human being or you can get lost,” I said, crossing my arms. I noted the way his eyes started to glow again when I mentioned baring my throat, but they quickly dimmed so I wasn’t completely sure if it was his wolf or a trick of the light.

“Damn it, woman. Will you just stop being such a fucking nightmare? You’re going to make this whole trip a disaster and I’ve got enough of a headache without your infuriating arguments!” Dean snarled. My heart jumped, fear starting to flood my system as I blinked.

He couldn’t have said what I think he just said…right? There’s no way I’m going on a trip with him.

“Let’s go.”

Dean turned on his heel and expected me to follow him, again on his orders alone. I lurched forward and grabbed his arm. I ignored the muscle-toned bulge under my arm and the way little zings of lightning was spreading from my hands up through my arm. I pulled him back to face me, releasing him and taking a small step back when his golden eyes turned on me again.

I cleared my throat, shifting uncomfortably. “Can you explain what is going on? What trip are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere with you.”

Dean smirked, looking amused. “We’re heading to Alpha Luke’s pack lands. We’re going to find out what you are once and for all. Plus, Her Majesty assigned us to do this, so you have no choice. Let’s get going.”

My mouth dropped open. I stared at him, not able to say a thing. I couldn’t help the feeling of panic rising up in my chest. My breath started coming in faster and I couldn’t feel my face. I took another step backward, my body feeling like I was going to collapse at any moment. Dean grabbed my arm and yanked me forward, crushing me into his broad chest and filling my senses with his strong scent - a combination of sandalwood, sweat, and something slightly sweet. It made me dizzy with desire, my core flooding.

Dean growled, his arms wrapping tighter around my waist.



I couldn’t stop myself from tightening my grip around Amara’s waist. Her desire filled my entire consciousness. I couldn’t focus on anything else. My wolf pushed forward hard, trying to make me claim Amara right there in the doorway. He pushed even harder, my canines starting to expand in my mouth. He pushed my consciousness aside, taking control of my body.