“I'm not sure I should be the one telling you this, Your Majesty, but Dean asked me to keep an eye on Amara. He doesn't trust her, especially after the situation in the forest with you and her. I was tasked with making sure she didn't cause any trouble and wasn't involved in anything suspicious.”

“Did you see her do anything suspicious?”

“No, in fact she did exactly as you asked until she was unable to continue to fulfill her roll.”

I crossed my arms and waited for him to explain. He shifted his weight again looking even more uncomfortable then when I had first walked up. He sighed before glancing up at the ceiling and muttering. “Dean put her in the dungeon.”

My mouth dropped open and I stared at him as I tried to come to terms with what he had just said. It didn't take my brain long to catch up with what was happening and I turned on my heel. I storm down the hallway and into our bedroom, catching Jason as he was about to walk into the bathroom. He glanced over his shoulder at me, raising an eyebrow when he caught sight of my face. “What happened?”

“Your best friend put my best friend in the dungeon.”

Jason walked back into the room, a look of confusion on his face. “I'm sorry, he did what?”

“Apparently, Dean is uncomfortable with Amara and the situation that happened in the forest. He has allegedly locked her in a cell in the dungeon.”

“What do you want me to do about it?”

“Not a damn thing. I've got this well in hand.” I turn on my heel and walked out of the room, down the hall and into the main hallway. I searched around, trying to find one of the Royal Guards or servants to give them instructions.

I noticed Samuel walking by and called to him. He made his way over to me giving a low bow before waiting for my instructions. “Samuel, would you kindly ask Dean to come see me?"

“Of course, Your Majesty. It would be my pleasure.”

“Perfect. Have him meet me in the War Room."

“Of course, Your Majesty." Samuel turned on his heel and jogged off, heading to wherever the Royal Guards hung out to find Dean. I turned on my heel and walked down the hallway to the hall that held the War Room.

I opened the door and made myself comfortable in one of the chairs facing the doorway. I clasped my hands on the table in front of me and waited in silence. It took a good five minutes for me to hear Dean making his way to the room. He knocked on the door and entered without hesitation. He gave a quick bow before addressing me. “Your Majesty? You asked for me?”

I raised an eyebrow and tapped my index finger on my hand, remaining silent. Dean shifted his weight, remaining silent. I let him stew a few minutes before I slowly stood up and made my way over to him. I clasped my hands in front and glared at him, letting my wolf bleed through. He lowered his gaze just slightly, not meeting my eye and doing a good job at not letting me see him sweat. The only problem was that he had shoved my best friend in the dungeon like a common criminal. He had me and Amara to contend with now.

Jason, did you tell Dean why I called him here?

No, my dear. You are his Queen. I trust you to take care of this in whatever way you see fit.

I love you.

I love you too, Lily.

“Do you know why I asked for you, Dean?”

He swallowed thickly and then cleared his throat, shifting his weight again. “No, Your Majesty. I’m afraid I am ignorant of your reasoning.”

“Don’t be a prick, Dean. And drop the fucking Your Majesty bullshit. You put Amara in the dungeon!” I snapped. Dean had the decency to grimace slightly before smoothing his face back out. He took a deep breath.

“Yes, I did. I’m not sorry, Lily. We don’t know what she is - she could be here to kill you or Jason. She could be working with the rebels and - “

“Enough.” Dean snapped his mouth shut, immediately following my orders.

Snap his neck. He doesn’t deserve his life any longer. He went after one of our own - someone under our protection. Nobody threatens someone we protect.

Okay, no. You need to chill. We’re not killing him. I am just as angry as you are about how he treated Amara, but we’re going to use this to make him pay and help out our situation at the same time.

I’m intrigued. How?


“Alright, Dean. I don’t agree with your insistence that she could be a threat and I’m pissed at the way you handled it, but I have a solution that is going to work for both of us,” I smiled. Dean blinked, looking surprised and shocked. I couldn’t help myself from looking smug.