I took off sprinting through the hallways, pushing past servants and guards, not bothering to slow down for a second.



I got Elle and Sarah settled in a guest room. They were in the guest room wing, but as close to the hallway as possible. They needed a route of escape and that room held a secret passageway toward the underground tunnels. I found the opening a few years ago, but Lily told me about the underground tunnels and I had followed the passageway last week. It was intense to be in that dark of a place, but it was good knowledge to have in case things went sideways. It felt like the castle was on edge and something was coming.

I eased out of the guest room and walked down the hallway, my mind focused on the issues the castle and my best friend, Lily, were facing. It wasn’t something I really had any ability to change, but I couldn’t help going over it all to see if I could help in some way. I turned onto the main hallway, my mind still wandering.

A hand gripped my upper arm and pushed me back the way I came, forcing my back to the wall. I gasped, fear flooding my system and a growl filled my ears. I blinked, looking up. My eyes widened when I realized it was Dean standing in front of me. I gulped, hating that the little voice inside me was rudely saying ‘I told you so.’ Dean was breathing heavily, looking almost unhinged.

“What are you?” Dean growled in my face. My mouth snapped shut and I frowned. I tried to pull my arm from his grip, but he held me firm.

“Right now, I’m annoyed.”

“No, I didn’t ask what you’re feeling. I asked what you are, because you aren’t an ordinary human. Nobody could have done what you did for Lily,” Dean slammed his hand on the wall above my head, causing it to shake. I huffed out an impatient breath, rolling my eyes.

“Just because you can’t explain everything doesn’t mean that you need an answer for everything. Maybe the Goddess Leto needed Lily to stay alive and I was the only vessel she could use to do it,” I shrugged. Dean narrowed his eyes, looking like he believed that as much as if I had told him pigs could fly.

“I don’t know what you want me to say Dean. The only thing I can say is that Lily is alive and everyone is safe until Jack decides to do something completely psychopathic, so why don’t you focus on him?”

Dean grunted, looking mildly amused, but still pissed off. I tried not to think about his scent that was flooding my system and making me feel lightheaded. I tried to focus on anything other than the square shape of his jaw and how his muscle jerked as he clenched it. I tried not to feel the muscles rippling under his shirt, as his chest made sure I couldn’t move an inch off the wall. I inhaled shakily, doing my best to make sure he wasn’t aware of how he affected me.

By the smirk growing on his face, I could tell I was failing.

“Why is it that your heart rate always increases whenever I stand near you?”

“M-maybe it’s because I’m always worried about you randomly freaking out on me?” I replied, proud of myself when I realized my voice wasn’t trembling or breathy, even though every part of me was - especially my cooch. That chick was ready to raise up in the air and let him have his way with us. Thankfully, I wasn’t ruled by what my cooch wanted and I was able to make rational and good decisions - at least, I hoped.

“Maybe…” Dean began, his voice lowering and his breath whispering across my neck as he leaned closer. “It’s because you feel guilty about whatever dark witchcraft things you’re doing and you’re worried I’m going to find out.”


I blinked, then frowned. “What?”

“You heard me. I’m on to you. From now on, I will always have my eye on you. You’ll never be alone, you’ll never have a moment to do whatever witches like you do. I won’t let you ruin this Kingdom,” Dean snarled as he leaned so close to me our noses touched. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish his little spiel so I could point out how insane he sounded.


I didn’t get a chance to say another word. Dean ducked down, throwing me over his shoulder in a move so swift and smooth, my pussy about melted with arousal. That didn’t stop me from being indignant and pissed off at what was happening. I started pounding on Dean’s back, ignoring the freaking brick wall I was basically hitting and focusing on the fact that he was basically kidnapping me on the basis of something incredibly idiotic.

“Dean, you neanderthal! Put me the fuck down! This is insane. Where are you taking me?” I screamed, beating on him. He didn’t deam my pathetic attempts to sway him worthy of a response - physical nor verbal. After a few minutes, I realized I was doing absolutely nothing, so I scowled and folded my arms, my upper body swinging slightly from Dean’s walk.

“Can I at least walk on my own? This is ridiculous!” I tried again.

Dean grunted, not bothering to respond any further. It wasn’t until I stopped trying to get Dean to release me that I realized where he was taking me. My heart stopped and everything in me grew cold. A nervous sweat made my palms grow moist and I swallowed thickly. “Dean, you can’t possibly be taking me where I think you’re taking me.”

“The fuck I can’t.”

“Dean, come on! I’m not a witch! I don’t know what you’re even talking about! I would never do anything to hurt Lily or Jason. She’s my best friend and he’s my King. Come on! You have to know this is crazy,” I pleaded. He didn’t say anything and I watched as he walked down the hall, past the throne room, and to the door that led to the very place that haunted my dreams. It seemed insane to me that nobody around us - not the slaves, the guards, or even the pack members - said a single word or even took a second look at me, slung over Dean’s body.

The door pulled open and Dean walked me into the dark, stale dungeon. The door slammed behind him, the sound echoing for what seemed like years.



I had to get rid of this woman as soon as possible. I cornered her as she walked out of the guest corridor and knew that it was the best time to demand the truth of what had happened with Lily in that forest. White light doesn’t just come flying out of someone’s hands and a person on their deathbed doesn’t miraculously get better. The bullshit she spouted about Goddess Leto using her as a vessel had me second guessing myself for a minute, but she played it off way too well. My suspicions were way too high about the whole thing to be dumped by whatever story she was spewing.