“What’s the next matter?” I asked, standing up. Lily scrambled up to wrap her arm around my waist, letting me lean on her. I kissed her temple, releasing a grateful sigh.
“The rebels are here.”
Jason stiffened underneath me and then turned to Dean. Dean nodded, looking a bit grim. I squeezed Jason’s waist and he looked down at me frowning. I gave him a smile. “We’ll deal with this together. We lean on each other. That’s what mates are for, right?”
Jason gave me a small smile and nodded, turning to Dean. He turned around and waved his hand. People walked toward us, picking their way through all the pack members and Royal Guards who were still kneeling in front of us. I held my breath as I watched more than one guard glance sideways to eye the rebels walking toward us. I knew they wanted to lock all of them up, but Jason and I really needed to handle them. I glanced around, trying to see if I could spot Nia on the ground. I caught a glimpse of her hair behind me, but my attention was quickly redirected in front of me.
“Your Majesties…”
I turned to see Jack, Alan, and Terry standing in front of us, along with a couple other rebel members. I swallowed thickly, my nerves getting the best of me since my experience with Jack showed him to not exactly possess patience and a level head. I slipped my hand into Jason’s, squeezing it.
“Jack. It’s good to see all of you,” Jason responded. He seemed to have grown taller and matured in the time I turned to find Nia. A swell of pride grew in my chest at the fact that this was my mate and someone who I would be able to spend the rest of my life with. Jack narrowed his eyes at him.
“Yes, well I’d say the same, but it seems like you’re now top dog around here. We’re just waiting to see how exactly that’s going to affect us and in which way you’re going to cause us to suffer. A little torture perhaps?” Jack scoffed. Jason sighed, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. I glanced around, as our new public was murmuring and getting nervous.
I laid a hand on Jason’s stomach, causing him to glance down at me. I shook my head slightly. He frowned and I stared into his eyes.
Trust me.
He waited a few more beats, but finally gave a slow nod. I turned to Dean. “Dean, would you kindly escort His Majesty to the infirmary? He needs to be checked out. We wouldn’t want anything happening to the new Alpha, now would we?”
A few chuckles from the crowd sounded, but we all ignored them. Dean stepped up into the spot I just vacated. I clapped my hands once, the sound echoing across the grounds. “Gentlemen, please adjourn to the castle. We will have refreshments waiting for you. As soon as His Majesty has been fully checked out by our Healers, we will be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions. Shaun and Nia will guide you to the War Room and help with any requests you may have in the meantime. Shaun? Nia?”
I turned around, watching as the two popped up from kneeling and picked their way through the crowd. They bowed to me and then turned to Jack and the rest of the rebels. “Nia?” Alan asked, tears in his eyes. She gave him a small smile and nodded. She gave him and Terry a hug, quickly backing off when Shaun growledl. She grabbed his hand with an eye roll and walked toward the castle. Jack stayed behind, eyeing me.
“Is there something you need, Jack?” I asked, calling him out. My wolf eyed him, not liking that he was here. She viewed him as a threat and was ready to take him out already. He eyed me for a few more minutes before turning and following Shaun and Nia. I let my breath loose. I turned as the Royal Guard who was officiating the Challenge came to stand by me. I tilted my head, looking up at him.
“My name is Simon. I hope you will allow me to stay in my current position to help the transition between Alphas progress smoothly,” He stated. His voice was deep and commanding. I raised an eyebrow, my lips tilting upward in a grin I attempted to squash.
“For the time being, Simon. After all, our new Alpha is the one to make the final call. I am merely his mate.”
Simon scoffed lightly. “Your Majesty, pardon me for disagreeing, but you are more thanjusthis mate. If you’ll allow, I’ll take the Royal Guards and get them back into their positions. I’m sure you don’t want the grounds to be left unprotected for too long, especially with a new Alpha that others may try to test.”
My grin slipped free and I shook my head at his antics. “Go. Get everything back to normal. Also, please send two of your most trusted Guards to the infirmary and two more to the War Room.”
Simon eyed me, looking slightly surprised. “Don’t trust the rebels, ma’am?”
“I would be a fool to trust anyone with the King’s life, wouldn’t I? Besides, it’s not the rebels, per se, I don’t trust.”
Simon made a noise of agreement. “I clocked that Jack too. I will do as you wish. Please let me know if you need anything else. I am here in your service, ma’am.” Simon bowed and then called the Royal Guards to attention. They all snapped up and then marched off. Four Guards broke off and headed toward the castle, while the rest melted back into the forest. I was left standing with the rest of the Wolf Hollow pack.
I took a deep breath, this part was the most nerve wracking for me. These people didn’t know me, except as the maid who their Prince fought for and challenged their previous Alpha for, so I didn’t know exactly how they felt about me. I cleared my throat. “Please, everyone, stand. You have been on your knees long enough.”
The pack glanced at each other and then slowly they all stood. They shifted around, looking nervous. I took a deep breath. “Your Alpha, King Jason, is pleased you were all here to witness his triumph. We will be hosting a celebration to commemorate the start of his reign in just a few days. We will also be hosting an audience where any and all of your questions will be addressed. I know you were used to things going a certain way with your previous Alpha, but Jason is not his father. Things will probably change - we hope for the better. Please feel free to bring any and all concerns to us and we will do our best to address them. In the meantime, please go about your normal days. We will have information about the celebration and audience circulated as soon as we can.”
I finished speaking, praying to the Goddess that I was saying the right things. I didn’t want Jason to feel ashamed of me on his first day of being King. I took a deep breath, holding it as people around me started to bow and then walk away. The crowd slowly dispersed and melted away. I released it, the weight flying from my chest as the last pack member left to return home. I ran a hand through my hair, closing my eyes. I wished Amara was here so I could lean on her, but I was happy she was safe while this whole transition went on.
“We need to get you inside the castle, Your Majesty.” I jumped, turning to see Simon standing next to me. He chuckled, looking amused.
“I suppose it’s out of the lion’s den and into the woods.”