Greer’s brows rose, giving him a playful look. “Right now?”

“After we complete our mission?” She held her breath, her heart pounding in her tight chest. “I know I asked once, but you never answered.”

His gray eyes looked down into hers. “Ye will be happy living in a thatched cottage on a moor, Lucy?”

“As long as you’re living with me.”

He leaned in, his face bending down to hers. “Then aye, Lucy, lass, I will marry ye.”

Lucy’s heart about burst inside her as his lips touched down for a kiss. He broke away slowly, looking into her eyes. His had a way of smiling even when his mouth was in a straight line. “I love ye too,” he said. “Now let’s fetch Pip and Percy.”

“And free the other dogs too?” she asked.

He snorted softly. “Of course.”


“They found theirway back to Cranfield House,” Lucy said, and Greer nearly snorted over how genuine her lies sounded.

Walsingham did snort. “And you had these dogs before?”

“Yes,” Lucy said. “Look at their collars, milord. They proclaim them as Cranfield dogs.”

“And they happened to find their way home?”

“I heard that another villain released all the dogs again from the Bear Garden kennels,” Cordelia said beside Lucy.

“They escaped the scoundrels and ran home, then,” Lucy added, and they both nodded in unison. Greer was certain that the two sisters were capable of espionage at the highest level.

Walsingham tugged his triangular beard. “Sisters in conspiracy. ’Tis good you are going up to Scotland, Lady Lucy.”

“After we are wed,” Greer said, taking Lucy’s arm.

Walsingham’s brows rose high on his forehead. “Have you asked the queen, Lady Lucy?”

Lucy smiled. “I believe her exact reply was ‘Good, then you won’t harry me any further.’”

“Yes,” Elizabeth said as she whisked into the room. “Let that Highlander tame you.”

Greer bowed and the ladies curtsied as the queen stopped before them. She smiled. “Although you and your sister don’t seem the type to ever be tamed.” She glanced at Greer and then back at Lucy. “And for saving me and my beloved Lord Burghley, I will forgive you the chaos you have caused and grant you my blessing. You may wed in the chapel before you depart.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Lucy said and smiled at Greer.

“I will be happy to correspond with you, Your Majesty,” Cordelia said. “If there is news from Edinburgh.”

Elizabeth waved her hand. “Your sister can do that.”

“But…” Cordelia’s brows pinched. “I’m going with my sister.”

“Along with the children, Simmons, the pups, and two roosters,” Lucy said.

“Spy master,” Elizabeth intoned, and Walsingham looked at Cordelia.

“We have a mission for you, Lady Cordelia, before you go north.”

“A mission?” Cordelia asked.

“To completely clear the Cranfield name and retire to Scotland with your sister, you must first go on progress for the queen,” Walsingham said.