Lucy’s brow went up. “You named a rooster Xerxes?”

“Xerxes is that king from the bible you told us about,” Alyce said. “Who made Ester marry him.”

Nick grinned down at her. “I call him Berserk Xerxes.”

“Lady Lucy,” Simmons said. “I cannot abide all these…creatures in the house. The animals should be turned out and the children taken to an almshouse.” It seemed that he ranked the children with the roosters as far as those who deserved comfort.

“When you have your own home,” Lucy said, “you can turn away orphans and homeless pups.”

“Your mother would never allow this.”

“My mother is no longer here,” Lucy said, motioning Greer to follow her up the stairs.

“She is turning in her grave for sure,” Simmons called.

Lucy stopped halfway up to stare down at the man that her mother trusted to see to her comfort. “And what grave is that, Simmons? The simple pine box planted near Tyburn?” The reminder of the shame her mother had wrought on the Cranfield name made Simmons look away, and Lucy continued up the stairs with the chatting children and the panting dogs.

Greer followed behind the parade. “Where are Xerxes and Simmons roosting?”

“I think they were brood mates,” Nick said, “because they don’t seem to want to fight each other.”

“Without hens about, they may get along,” Alyce said.

“We have them in one of the small maids’ rooms,” Nick said. “’Tis too cold to throw them in the yard.” He frowned toward the stairs. No doubt Simmons had suggested it.

They strode in a loose jumble down the hall to Lucy’s room, and she was happy to see that it was as tidy as when she’d left it. Only the large bed was rumpled where the children had exited upon her arrival. One lone lantern lit the room along with the remains of a small fire in the hearth.

“Lord Walsingham is searching for the culprit,” Lucy said. “He’ll surely take Pip and Percy away if he finds them.”

“They’ll be safe here with us,” Catherine said, dropping to her knees to hug the bouncing puppies again. “I’ll take them out, so they won’t foul up the room.”

Lucy smiled. “Thank you, Catherine.” She looked at Alyce. “Pups can be trouble. Do you mind?”

Alyce smiled, her kind heart showing in the pretty face she hid most of the time. “We are very familiar with the cold and neglect of people, so we would never turn away a creature in need, whether they have two legs or four.”

“Like my cocks,” Nick said, crossing his arms, and Alyce sighed. “They have two legs.”

“Cranfield House is the best of all almshouses,” Catherine said.

Lucy looked at Nick. “I want you all to stay away from the Bear Garden. No trying to release any more animals or Walsingham will catch you. I would have your promise. At least for now.”

She waited until each one nodded.

“Does that go for ye too?” Greer asked quietly, his deep voice a rumble that sent a small shiver through Lucy. She’d been trying to ignore the foolish fluttering in her stomach when he was near, but that intimate voice stirred something within her. He stood near the hearth where he’d rekindled the flames, bringing more light and warmth to the room.

“Of course,” she said. “For now.” She smiled.

Catherine ran over in her slippers and threw her arms around Lucy, hugging her. “Stay safe, Lady Lucy.”

Lucy ran her hand down Catherine’s small head where Alyce had braided her hair. The little girl’s warmth tugged easily at Lucy’s heart. “I always endeavor to do so,” she said, kissing the top of Catherine’s head. Had Agatha Cranfield ever kissed Lucy’s head? If she had, Lucy couldn’t remember it. Even without parents, Lucy would make sure Catherine felt cherished. She hugged her tight.

Greer walked over to peer past the window drape. “Do ye know who the three visitors were? The two men and a woman who left when Lady Lucy knocked at the door?”

Alyce shook her head. “Simmons made certain that we were above stairs when they came in. We were to make no noise at all.”

“But we saw them,” Catherine said. “They met in the parlor for about an hour before you came.”

“They were merely some friends of his,” Lucy said.