Page 54 of Cadence

“Like any ordinary people on a first date, yes.”

“We’re not ordinary people though.” He leans forward and whispers. “I’m Jax Lewis and one day everybody is going to recognise me. A lot of people already do.” Jax glances around the quiet restaurant while I suppress a laugh. Every now and again, he flips from normal guy into the one people are building him up to be. Jax in love with the fame.

“I’m Tegan Hughes and I don’t care. If you start to believe your own hype, I’m not sticking around. So let’s go into this with honesty.”

He sits back again. “Into what?”

“Us. I’m not looking for a serious relationship, and it’s clear you’re not. I haven’t decided whether I want to see you again yet.” I give him a smile to indicate I’m teasing. “But if I’m with somebody, I don’t date other guys and would expect you to do the same if this becomes a regular thing between us.”

Jax smirks. “No problem, I’m not into guys.”

“You know what I mean! And by ‘date’ I mean no sex with other people either.”

“Other people? So you’re saying that sex is on the agenda for us?” he asks in a low voice. No way is he getting an answer to that, or the satisfaction of making me blush. “Well, while we’re going into this with honesty, I’d like to say I’ve pictured you naked and I’m looking forward to the day I see how much better the reality is.”

Two can play at this game. “How many girls have you screwed recently, Jax?”

“Wow. Right. Define recently.”

“Six months.”

“Ah. Um. One or two.” I raise a brow. “Or three or four.” He huffs. “A few.”

“Keep your hands off other girls, and I’ll consider it.”

“Whoa, Tegan, seriously? I don’t usually discuss this stuff on a first date. This conversation is very… like a contract. Do you want me to sign something here?”

How do I tell Jax I need to have this conversation to paint a picture of exactly what I might fall into? He’s right, normally a first date is ‘see how it goes’; but with the scrutiny that no doubt will hit us —in public and in private — I have to hold the cards. My self-control around this guy wavers each time we’re alone; hell, I’m sitting with him in public and all I can think about is getting my hands on his naked skin. Common sense lingers around the edges of my lust and I can’t shut it out completely.

“Just being honest,” I say and flash him a smile.



Meal over and a second bottle of wine later, we head out of the restaurant onto the cobbled street. The Spanish climate is milder than England at this time of year but still cool. I pull my thin jacket closer and look around.

“Where’s the taxi?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I called one half an hour ago.”

“Maybe they didn’t understand your accent?”

“Sure, Tegan. I think they’re used to tourists.”

“Not rock stars?” I rub my arms. “Call one of the tour cars, someone can pick us up.”

“I don’t think so! They’ll be followed from the hotel. We’ve been lucky so far with no media.”

I’m about to retort that he’s not that famous, but he is. I saw what happened outside the club in Portugal and the reaction wasn’t just because Blue Phoenix members were there.

“Fine, we walk instead.” I head down the cobbled pathway in the direction of the main street and stop when I realise Jax isn’t with me. “Come on!”


I giggle at the incredulous look on his face. “Walk.”

Turning away, I continue to find a taxi on the main street.