Page 6 of Cadence

“I’m Jax.”

“I know.”

He smiles cautiously and I catch his subtle, spiced scent, the one suggesting I should bury my nose into his chest and inhale. “Can I get you a drink, Tegan?”

“I'm going out, thanks.”

“On your own?”

His genuine surprise irritates me a little. “Yes, I often do things on my own.”

“Not with Bryn?”

“Bryn? Why? Did he mention me?”

“Kind of. Have a drink while you wait for him, I think he's in a meeting with the boys and their manager.” Jax gestures at the bar, indicating he’ll follow me in.

“Oh, right.”

Earlier, Jax seemed interested, now he's fighting against too much eye contact. My stomach sinks but his disinterest is probably for the best. I hesitate.

“No strings. I won't hit on you. I wouldn't dare,” he says with a small frown.

I follow Jax to the bar where he orders me a bottled beer. I perch on the stool and pull my dress into a more decorous length, Jax watching the action a little too closely.

“All set for the tour?” I ask him.

“Yeah. Nervous, never played venues this size before. Doesn't help that Ruby's sick.”

“Oh, not good.”

Jax blinks and drinks too. “Yeah, well, she'll be fine. So how about you? What are you doing here?”

“I'm not sure yet. Bryn's finding me something to do, to help out.”

“Making you work on tour? That's a bit bloody cheeky!”


“If I brought a girl on tour, I wouldn't do that!”

“Bryn wasn't expecting me.”

Jax smirks at a private joke he has with himself. “Right.”

“What? What's he said?”

“Nothing much.” He pauses and picks at the label on his beer. “I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t you a bit young for him?”


“Tegan!” calls a familiar voice.

I look over my shoulder at Bryn who strides over. His height and size are intimidating enough; his tattoos and sour look would add to anybody’s nervousness around him. Not to me, but Jax studies the bottle he’s holding.

“I answered your text, but you didn’t reply,” says Bryn. “Are you okay?”
