Page 96 of Cadence


A loud snort of laughter comes from Will, who has his chin on my shoulder, eavesdropping. “Please! You're damaging my delicate ears!”

I shove him with my elbow.

“Will you be around later?” she asks.

“Busy night. I’ll call tomorrow morning.” Unlikely. “Uh. Maybe the afternoon.”

Tegan's quiet for a few moments. “Jax. Don't let me down.”

“I won't, I promise. You know me. I'll end up asleep in a corner somewhere.”

“It's what he's done the last few times!” calls Will. “We'll look after him, Tegan!”

“Yeah, that's what I’m worried about,” she mutters. “Talk to you tomorrow.”


There's a long pause. “I miss you. Can't wait to see you in Oslo.”

“With your resting bitch face?”

She giggles. “Yeah, especially for you. Night, rock star. I miss you.”

“Night. Miss you.” I wait for Tegan to reply, but she ends the call.

Huh. I shove the phone into my pocket and pick up my beer. Will stares at me. “What?” I ask.

“Don't you tell her you love her?” he asks.


“Tegan. Chicks expect that.”

“She's cool. I doubt she expects anything like that.”

“You don't love her?” He clutches his chest. “Man, I thought this was a beautiful thing between you.”

I swill the beer around my glass before draining it. Will continues to look expectant, amusement curling his lips. “Excuse me?” I ask. “Since when did we talk about feelings and shit?”

He shrugs. “Just thought you must 'cause she changed you.”

“She hasn't,” I snap.

Will laughs and makes a whip sound and action.

“I am not pussy whipped! Fuck off!”

“Prove it.”

“How? I'm not screwing other chicks.” I grasp for a reason. “I told her I wouldn't, and if Bryn got a sniff of me even touching another girl...”

“You don't have to do that, just stop moping and live! We're in fucking Amsterdam, man. And stop checking in with her all the time. Me and Nate, we're gonna check out the places from a couple of years ago. Nowthatwas a great weekend!”

“I intend to. Come on.” I stand, pissed off at his goading. After talking to Tegan, I need something to fill the gap left by her absence. Plus, yeah, I'm in fucking Amsterdam.

* * *