Page 8 of Cadence

“‘Woman travelling alone’ things, and I'm fine. So I think I can handle people like Jax.”

Handle Jax. Investigate what lies beneath his clothes. Put my mouth on his. Find out exactly what he has that causes girls to throw themselves at him. How has this guy burrowed under my skin this quickly?

“Fine,” he mutters. “But if you do stay with the tour, you're here on my terms, and if anyone fucks around with you, there'll be trouble.”

I bite back a laugh and nod, his serious face preventing me showing my amusement. “I'm staying?”

“Yeah, but I'll be keeping an eye on you. Don't get involved with anybody on tour. They'll break your heart.”

“Awesome!” I tiptoe and kiss my big brother on the forehead. He wrinkles his nose and wipes his face.

After seven years apart, Bryn could never understand the real me. If Iwaslooking for a guy, I doubt anybody here would fit the bill.

Even if Jax is sitting across the room with his eyes fixed on me in a way that phases out everything and everybody around us.

Almost everybody.

* * *



Bryn’s sister.

Holy fuck.I throw my mind back to the conversation I had with Bryn earlier, cringing at each word I used. I knew I’d stuck my foot in it when I thought she was Bryn’s girl, but if she’s his sister that’s ten times fucking worse. Oh yeah, I told Bryn his sister wanted to rip my clothes off and I was planning to help Tegan out of hers.


Keeping away from her as much as possible is the only way to show Bryn I respect him, and his sister. But if Tegan keeps looking at me the way she does, that’ll be bloody hard.

Bryn is in for fun and games with his stunning sister around on the tour. I can’t wait to see what happens to the first guy who hits on her.

Will throws a beermat at my head as I approach the table. “What's up with you?”

I scowl and wipe my cheek where the cardboard hit. “Nothing.”

“Where's my beer?” He indicates the collection of empties on the table.

“He got distracted,” says Nate with a snort. “Who's the girl?”

I drag out a stool and sit, looking back over to where Tegan, girl of the dreams I never knew I had, continues an intense conversation with Bryn.

“Were you hitting on Bryn's girl?” laughs Nate. “Let's not go through that again.”

“What the hell does that mean?” I growl.

Will starts humming 'Ruby' by the Kaiser Chiefs and I take a deep breath. I’m over my crush on our lead singer; clearly they haven’t caught up. “Ha-fucking-ha and no I wasn't.”

“Could've fooled us.” Nate finishes his beer and pointedly pushes the bottle across the table at me. “Did you get her name?”

“Tegan. Hughes.”

“A full name, must be serious.” They laugh. Sometimes the twins’ shared ‘everything’, including sense of humour, pisses me off.

“Hughes,” I repeat.
