Page 62 of Cadence

“How drunk are you?”

“A bit.” He huffs. “I don’t know who else to talk to about this shit, Tegan.”

In a move I could live to regret, I open the door far enough for Jax to walk in. He passes, stinking of whisky and I wrinkle my nose. Unsteadily, Jax heads for the large blue sofa in one corner of the suite and flops down. For a few moments, he stares at the ceiling. Is he going to sleep?

“I’m listening. What happened?” I ask.

“Got any beer?”

“No.” I approach and sit next to him on the sofa. “I’m sure you’re just drunk and can sort this out. Tell me the story if you want my opinion.”

Jax gazes at me, his ice blue eyes focusing on my mouth, and he reaches out to touch my lips. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

I take his hand and move it away. “So eloquently put, Jaxon.”

“Sorry I forgot to call earlier.” He curls his hand around mine and I pull it away. “When she told me, I lost my shit and she tried to talk to me and I went to the hotel bar then I drank too much then I remembered and called you and —” He pauses his burbling and stands abruptly. “Fuck!”

“Jax, calm down. She? Ruby? What did she say?”

Jax slumps next to me again. “Ruby’s pregnant.”

Wow, not what I expected.

“And she wants to give up everything for a baby? That’s crazy!”

“Yeah, she says until it’s born and she’ll be back, but I bet she won’t!”

“Why wouldn’t she come back to the band?”

Jax looks at me as if I’m stupid. “Um, because… baby?”


“She can’t have a baby and be in Ruby Riot!” he says with a small laugh.

I straighten. “Are you and the twins are kicking her out? What does Jem say? The band would be ruined if you did that!”

“No! I haven’t spoken to Will and Nate yet. Not sure they know. What I mean is, she can’t do both.”

“Seriously, Jax?”


“That’s a bit sexist. In fact, a lot sexist! Tell me you’re joking.”

His brows tug together, what I’m saying isn’t what he expected either. “We’re at the very edge of success! We can’t stop now.”

“Is she cancelling the tour?”

“No, but —”

“So what’s the problem?”

“She’s having a kid!”


“I don’t fucking know!”