Page 4 of Cadence

“Fine. I suggest you leave before I call security.”

“Mm-hmm.” I check the numbered sign on the wall, locating the direction I need to walk to reach my room. As I head off, Jax appears next to me.

“Where are you going?”

“My room.” I wave the keycard at him.

“Hang on. Are you with the PR team? I haven't met you, I don't recognise you.”

“And you always remember a pretty face, huh?”

“If I'd seen you before, I’d remember. Seriously.” He flashes a smile that does nothing to soothe the attraction to him I'm trying to quell, all sensual mouth and sharpening cheekbones. Damn. Something like this was not on my agenda. Something likehim.

“Maybe you'll recognise me next time we meet,” I reply and swipe my keycard.

“You’re with the tour people? You're not a groupie?”

“Not exactly and no.”

“Who are you then?”

Opening the room door with my shoulder, I point down the hallway to where Bryn has appeared from the elevator. “Ask him.”

* * *


The heavy door slams shut behind the girl and I stare as the smooth wood almost hits my face. Weird. I definitely haven't seen this girl around since the tour entourage arrived yesterday and, as I have a thing for long hair, long legs, and a cute ass like hers, I'd remember this girl.

Bryn heads along the corridor toward me. “Hey, man” he says gruffly as he passes.

“Who's the girl?”

Bryn halts and spins around. “Which girl? Where?”

“You didn't see her? Jeez, man, you'd know if you had. Brown-haired girl, long legs, killer body.” Bryn's eyes narrow and I continue, “I reckon I might be in with a chance, man, she gave me the look.”

“‘The look’?”

“You know, when it's obvious in a girl’s eyes she wants you naked.”

Bryn's face hardens further by the moment, and I stop unsure why I'm getting a death stare. Jesus, if Bryn's stressed like this before the tour kicks off properly, what the hell will he be like on a shit day?

“Did she tell you her name?” he asks icily.

“Never had the chance, she walked away all coy and mysterious. The girl said you might know who she is.”

“Right. Long brown hair, you said. Tall?”

“Yeah. And beautiful. Like a model.”

Bryn gives a short bark of a laugh. “Don't get too carried away. She's attractive, but I wouldn't go that far. Or is that a line you use on girls, Jax?”

My dumb brain finally switches into gear. “Youknowher.”

“Oh, yeah, I know her.”

Shit. I thought the girl meant Bryn knewwhoshe was, not this. She's Bryn's girl. Why else would his tone harden and look darken? Oh, shit. The girl I’ve seen him with recently must’ve been traded in for a newer model.Nice one, Jax.