Page 31 of Cadence

Bryn hangs with Liam, and stopped his supervision, thankfully. He’s smiling for once, him and Liam joking around, and their voices growing louder. Weird seeing my big brother in his real life.

I absentmindedly watch Jax whose back is to me, appraising the fact he looks just as good from behind as the front. Nice ass. I’m distracted from him when Dylan and Sky walk into the room. I haven’t seen them around since I arrived yesterday, and it’s a few years since I’ve seen Dylan. None of the guys seems to age well; but for some reason, the damage from their lifestyle gives them an edge I can see people find attractive. I reckon it would take a lot for Dylan to lose his looks, anyway. Dylan heads over to Bryn and Liam, and Sky to me.

I’m more nervous about meeting Sky than the others, even Ruby. As Dylan’s wife, she must have something special to be able to cope with the fact he’s the most scrutinised band member — and him. I’m worried she won’t like me. I’ve no idea why. I don’t usually care. Maybe because she’s more central to the world, and I’ve heard she’s as sharp-tongued as Ruby. My worries are blown away as she graces me with a warm smile.

“Are you Tegan?” Her voice is soft and her blue eyes friendly.

“Yes. Sky?”

She laughs. “You mean somebody doesn’t recognise me?”

“True.” I’ve seen this woman across the internet for months, her distinctive blonde, wavy hair used to cover her face on most of those occasions.

“How are you finding the rock star lifestyle?” she asks.

I glance around the room filling with bodies and noise. “This is like an office party, not very rock and roll.”

“Give it time, the boring people will leave, and the party will start. Not that I’m staying around long, I’m just being dutiful. I’ll leave Dylan to his fun.”

“Don’t you get jealous?” I blurt and wish I hadn’t when the surprise registers on her face.

“Why would I be? We’re married. Love and trust. He’s not like they are anymore.” She inclines her head to the Ruby Riot boys, where Jax now sits with Will and Nate — and girls.

Is tonight a parade of people saying don’t burn yourself on a rock star?

“I didn’t mean that. Sorry. I meant it must be annoying when girls approach him all the time.”

“Less do now he’s married, and Dylan has years of practice at put downs.” She leans closer. “Plus, one scary look from me and they back off.”

Sky is a good few inches shorter than I am and her pretty face is surely incapable of looking scary.

We share another smile. “Do you want a drink?” I ask.

“Orange juice. Thanks. Grab a beer for Dylan too; I’d better take him one.”

Drinks are lined up on the bar; I pass Sky her juice and beer and take a bottle of my own before following her across the room to Bryn and Liam. I flop next to Bryn on the sofa and plant a kiss on his cheek. The smell of bourbon emanates from him.

Bryn wrinkles his nose and nods at Sky. Dylan slides a hand around Sky’s waist and kisses her softly on the lips, and she places a hand on his cheek as she returns his kiss.

Liam holds his fingers in his mouth and makes a false retching sound.

“Don’t rub it in,” says Bryn to the couple. “He’s missing his lady.”

Liam swigs from his bottle. “Nah, just not into this public kissing shit. Not in the middle of this circus anyway.”

“Talking about public kissing, is Avery joining us for any tour dates?” Sky asks Bryn.

Bryn’s muscles stiffen against my side and an awkward silence follows. Avery. I’ve seen pictures of the pair, too, over the last couple of weeks and have yet to quiz him about the new girl in his life. About time, he moved on from that stupid heiress.

“I doubt it,” he says in a voice firm enough to indicate conversation over.

I glance at Sky who purses her lips as she studies Bryn. Dylan whispers something in her ear, and she looks away. I have my answer to why he’s in a pissy mood all the time. Avery and Bryn must be over.

“Where’s Jem?” asks Dylan.

“Fashionably late, as always,” says Bryn. “No idea. Back in the day, he’d be onto his second round of girls by now.”

Liam laughs. “Yeah. All the Phoenix guys have thumbprints on their foreheads now, don’t they?” He winks at Sky. “Bloody women, ruining the band.”