Page 3 of Cadence

I watch him leave, grateful he's not expecting me to sleep on his sofa, and pull out my phone to post the update I’ve itched to. Since I mentioned – all right, announced - that I was in the privileged position of spending six weeks on tour with Blue Phoenix and Ruby Riot, my Instagram views and followers grew. A lot. I suddenly became a whole lot more interesting since I replaced pictures of Thai beaches with rock stars.

After posting a quick update, I sip my latte, deciding these surroundings are definitely better than my friend's floor in London.

Bryn returns and thrusts a keycard at me. “Room. Go. I'll bring your bag in a few. I need to sort something out.”

“Not a plane ticket home,” I retort.

Bryn scowls again. What the hell is he behaving like this for? For the last four years, I've spoken to him about touring, and after three years of nagging, he said when I was eighteen I could join him. Blue Phoenix didn't tour the year I turned eighteen; then the tour last year was cut short amongst all the Blue Phoenix dramas. I headed overseas while I waited, embarking on a mini-tour of my own. Bryn evidently thought I'd continue to do my own thing and forget about the tour. Wrong. Who'd miss a chance of touring with the world's biggest rock band?

Blowing Bryn a kiss, which he responds to with a shake of his head, I walk back to the elevator. When I check the number on the keycard, I groan. The same floor as Bryn. I bet he's booked me in next to him so he can make sure I’m not ravished by the roadies.

I giggle at the image of Bryn following me around and protecting my honour. He probably still thinks I'm a virgin. Right, how many twenty-year-old virgins has he come across in the last few years? Not many, I'll bet. Not that I'm Miss Sexually Liberated, I had a serious boyfriend at school, and since him, one other guy. Both times the relationship was loving and exclusive, but our lives went in different directions. The backpacking culture saw a lot of bed hopping but that's not for me.

I step back into the quiet corridor on Bryn's floor. The setting sun shines through the floor to ceiling window at the opposite end, filtering light across the carpet and creating dazzling rays. From this height, I’ll have an awesome view of the city to add to my collection.


I look over my shoulder at the owner of the voice. My eyes take a moment to focus after staring at the sunlight, until I see a blond guy striding down the hallway. From his swagger, he doesn’t need to approach before I realise who this is.

The guy halts short of me and his expression shifts from anger to interest as he checks me out. I arch a 'yeah?' eyebrow at him and take in the face and physique of the unmistakable Jax Lewis.

This guy's on the edge between man and boy, his tall frame filled out with hard muscles beneath the T-shirt - I've seen the pictures - but he still holds the wiry frame of a teen. The effect he's having on me is one hundred percent man though, my insides don’t normally disintegrate into molten heat when I look at a guy.

Jax’s blond hair dips into his eyes as he rubs a finger along his full lips. Is he as lost at what to say to me as I am to him? Surely not. Guys as hot as this are never lost for words. Oh yeah, h-o-t and he knows it because he soon switches to a slow, seductive smile. I'm too busy checking out the way his jeans fit his long legs and picturing myself running my nails across his firm abs to respond to that.

Sorry, big brother but this is going to be tricky.

“How did you find your way up here?” he asks with his oh-so-English accent that melts the hearts and panties of American fans.

“The elevator. I decided the stairs would take too long.”

“You know what I mean. How did you know we’re staying here?”

His eyes distract me, a captivating, intense blue, and I return his scrutiny despite the unwanted pulse hike he's causing.

“Who's we? You're not Blue Phoenix.”

“No. Clearly. Is that who you're looking for? You don't look like a Phoenix groupie.”

I choke a laugh. “Oh? What do I look like?”

“I have a number of responses to that,” he says in a low voice.

“Yeah, I bet you have a list somewhere.”

Jax grazes his teeth against his lip as he looks at mine. “They always work on girls who know who I am.”

I laugh. Loudly. Judging by his surprised look, he wasn't expecting my reaction. “Because you're Jax Lewis? Hey, I've met bigger stars than you.”

“Oh. Right, professional groupie?” He drops his friendliness and stares at my tits instead.

“Not really, so don't get any ideas.”

“Why sneak up to this floor where two big rock bands are staying?”

“Twobig rock bands?” I snicker. “One and a half. Don't get ahead of yourself, now.”

I bite my lip against saying more; I've poked a sore spot because his stance stiffens.