Page 29 of Cadence

“Screw you!”

“Guys, give it a rest,” I snap.

The car pushes slowly through the crowd, their hands slamming against the windows and cameras flashing. I expected excitement, a few chicks wanting backstage passes, but not this. Not for us.

“This is insane,” I mutter.

“I found some girls for the party.” Nate grins.

“Yeah. Nate picked up a few who were hanging around the stage doors after we played. No idea why he went for the ones wearing Blue Phoenix tees though. Not like they want us, dude,” says Will.

“You talking about the blonde? ‘Cause she had a couple of hot friends. Besides, when they see most of Phoenix is taken, my charms will work.” Nate settles back for the ride.

Earlier, I returned to the Green Room and had a couple of beers before taking a seat in the VIP box to watch Blue Phoenix play. I looked down on the writhing throng, partly pissed off there’re twice as many in the crowd as when Ruby Riot played, and partly annoyed that I can’t be down there. Last concert of theirs, I was at the front. I laugh at myself. What’s better? Opening for Blue Phoenix or squashed in the sweaty masses.

Tegan wasn’t around. I half-expected to see her there. What’s the deal for tonight? Is this going further? Following our encounter in the hallway after Ruby Riot played, I’m a step closer to getting my hands on her. She certainly wants her hands on me, couldn’t be more obvious if she tried. Yeah, Tegan was daring me to touch her; but now I know she wants me, she’s lost her control of this. Tegan can’t pretend anymore. I’ll hold off the other girls if there’s a chance with her, but if she’s screwing around with me…

The one thing putting me off going all out to lure her into my bed tonight is Bryn. I’ll let Tegan do the work; if she wants me that much, I can’t refuse her, can I?

* * *

Freshly showered in clean jeans and a black shirt, I wind my leather bracelets back around my wrists and grab my necklace with the smooth, round jade pendant. My older brother brought the necklace home from a trip to China, just before I left for London, and I wear the pendant in the superstitious belief the jade brought me to the place I am now. I curl my hand around the stone as I head to the elevator and party.

Unable to lock down the hotel completely, the after party has been confined to a large function room on the tenth floor. I step out of the elevator to the immediate scrutiny of a guy who steps back and nods at me as soon as he sees who I am. This man is taller and broader than me by a big margin and, as a guy who used to be on the receiving end of pissed-off bouncers at clubs, the switch in dynamic amuses me.

The function room is further along the wide, carpeted hallway; double doors open with music and voices spilling out. Between me and the entrance are a mix of bodies, some I recognise as tour management and crew, others clearly fans who’ve scored themselves an invite. The PR company wants to run competitions for people to win VIP and backstage passes for every venue, a meet and greet with Ruby Riot. I managed to beat them down to two — one in London and the other in Berlin. No way am I spending every post-concert night being nice to some random chick when I could be doing my own thing.

At least the chicks here aren’t screaming and pawing at me, probably figured out they won’t stay long if they do. On the way past, I flash a smile to a small girl with wide eyes and flushed face, catching myself against checking her out too carefully. Encouraging one of these girls in my direction will ruin any chance with Tegan tonight. I can always come back to one of them later if Tegan isn’t interested.

The stumbling block is already here. Bryn lounges on a sofa in the bustling room, one leg crossed over his knee as he watches the door. Our eyes meet across the crowded room, but there’re no hearts and flowers here. Slowly, he looks over to the group by the bar, and back to me with an unspoken warning on his stern face.

Tegan stands at the bar, in the short black dress from last night; the one that clings to her toned figure, and stops halfway down her long legs. Her loose hair falls down her back; and my mind conjures an image of winding my hands around Tegan’s hair, which swiftly progresses to sex images.Jesus...Taller than the girl she’s talking to, Tegan stands out; but to me, she could be the only chick in the room because I want to get my hands on her so fucking bad. Which is why I look away as quickly as I can and head over to Bryn, aware he’s watching me.

Yeah, Bryn, look at me like I’m the guilty party; but your sister already came close to kissing me, and tonight has just started.

“Hey,” I say.

“Hey, Jax, heard you played well tonight.” Bryn drinks a glass of brown liquid and his less focused eyes suggest he’s had a few of these.

“Cheers, man. You guys were fucking amazing too.”

“Of course!” he says with a grin. “It’s good to be back into all this.”

He’s alone, despite the groups around him which is odd because Bryn’s normally happy to mingle. “Where’s everybody else?” I ask.

Only Tegan is here. The twins and Ruby are missing, and I can’t see any other Blue Phoenix guys around.

“They’ll be here.” He knocks back the contents of the glass and pulls a face. Bryn’s face brightens and he lifts a hand to wave at someone behind me. “Ah, perfect timing!”

Liam appears and nods at us both. Bryn and Liam haven’t bothered with anything outside of their t-shirts and jeans, looking no different to usual.

“Bring me another, man,” says Bryn and proffers his glass at Liam.

“Want one?” Liam asks me.

“I’ll stick to beer, thanks.”

Bryn smirks. “Yeah, I hear you have issues if you hit the hard stuff.”