Page 137 of Cadence

The speed with which life springs back to normality is a shock. Tegan’s right, touring with the biggest rock band in the world gave me ideas above who I was. Built up by the media and sucked into the famous lifestyle, I rode the high. Now, I’m sinking again. Nothing I do interests people at the moment as the spotlight on my life fades; the band member getting the most attention is Ruby and her growing belly.

So all that shit stirred up by the paparazzi over me and the Blue Phoenix drummer’s sister was for nothing. Tina informs me I’m still public property; but not newsworthy currently, and if I want to keep my privacy, I have to stay quiet.

Tegan’s words about believing my own hype resonate. Sure, I still have my fans who endlessly tweet and send pictures to me their mother’s would be shocked by, but apart from that most have backed off.

Not for long. When this album releases, the world will know who Ruby Riot is. I’m positive. My determination and passion runs through every track on here, match that with Ruby’s and the twins’, add in Jem’s musical perfectionism, and this debut will be big.

Even though I’m desperate to hear the finished tracks, in a way I don’t want the recording to end. As soon as the album is finished, we’re on hiatus until after the baby is born. I’m pissed off the album release is delayed until October. We’ve talked Ruby into playing some smaller gigs between now and then. I’m clinging onto the band life as long as I can.

Then what? Will and Nate live big and hard, spending the money earned on tour as if we’re stars with a regular star-like income. They don’t think through the fact there’s six months between now and the album release and the money won’t last. Will and Nate are considering returning to uni while they wait. No, thanks.

I hang around the studios a lot, and the Blue Phoenix world, hoping to find something to do until October. Hoping to see Tegan again. She’s in London, working on the planned PR stunt; but only Riley comes to meeting and updates us. I asked Riley a couple of times how Tegan is and received a short answer. She’s fine. I want to ask if Tegan’s still planning to go overseas, but don’t want to hear the answer.

I stop drinking. Almost. Despite the lack of partying and girls in my life, I’m followed by paparazzi some days. This slacks off, as I’m not seen with anybody. The interest in my and Tegan’s split doesn’t last long. Jax Lewis is as interesting as last week’s news.

That’s how I want my life because I have a chance to show Tegan I can choose not to be him. I can escape the descent she worries about. I can be a normal guy. A normal boyfriend.

But who am I kidding? How can I strive to be rich and famous, and expect normality?

Another studio session ends and I hang around the studio as usual, chatting to the sound engineer as I watch him mixing tracks. This is far beyond the work we did on our early stuff when I was the one playing around with the sound on my MacBook before we uploaded to YouTube and Bandcamp. I’m engrossed as I wave goodbye to the twins who head off on their usual evening partying. Why don’t they get the attention I do? Unless they do something outrageous, which is around once a week, they’re left alone.

Ruby stays too, waiting for Jem who’s fielding phone calls. I walk into the hallway as he hangs up on the latest one, frowning.

“Okay?” I ask.

“Yeah. Chatting to Tom about the last few gigs before we wrap things up with the band for a few months.”

“Awesome, thanks, man.”

“No problem. Ruby will get antsy if she has to sit around waiting for the baby. Best keep her occupied until she’s too big to move.” He grins at me.

Ruby appears. “Keep who occupied?”

“You,” replies Jem.

She crosses and kisses him and my stomach knots at how relaxed she is and the way Jem’s face transforms from moody bastard to semi-human when Ruby smiles at him. Once my reaction to the pair happened because I mistakenly thought Ruby should be mine, but not today. I want the easy-going happiness they have — but with a different girl.

“Did you talk to him?” Jem asks her.

“Talk to me about what?”

Ruby shakes her head. “No, I didn’t.”

“About what?” I repeat.

She glances at Jem and sighs. “We want you to talk to Tegan. You two still haven’t spoken and, to be honest, it’s a bit bloody childish.”

I bristle. “What the fuck?”

“You’re distracted,” mutters Jem. “This lovelorn bullshit is affecting your work.”

“It bloody isn’t! And I’m not lovelorn!”

“Yeah? Why the fuck would I say anything if you were playing well. I don’t give a shit about your personal life, but get over her or talk this through. Something.”

Ruby laughs softly and he throws her a look. “What?”

“Nothing. You.”