She purses her lips at my terse response. “He is…”
“Sorry. He has questions to answer. How are you?”
“I’m good. Heading to uni in a few minutes.”
Uni. How can she be a rock star’s girlfriend and go to university? Is she going to give up her ambitions for Bryn? “Right.”
Conversation stalls as I return to my moping and wait. When Bryn appears in the doorway, my adrenaline has built ready to take him on. His hair hangs in his face and he’s barefoot and bare chested. Before I have a chance to speak, he has Avery in his arms, kissing her. Jesus, didn’t they only see each other five minutes ago? I’m definitely moving out.
Avery murmurs something to Bryn, and I stand to face him. “Hey,” he says and offers me a smile. “How are you?”
“Don’t ‘hey’ me. Was what Jax said true?”
“Jax. Idiot.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Which part of what he said? The guy wasn’t very coherent.”
“Don’t act innocent! Did you find me the job in the States?”
“No. You’re good at what you do. That’s why you were offered the job.”
“If that’s true, why are people better qualified than me passed over?”
I glower at him. Bryn’s looking me straight in the eye, but he’s lying. “All right, I might have had a quiet word with —”
“A quiet word!” I raise my voice. “Just to split me and Jax up?”
We stand off. He may dwarf the other woman in the room, but I’m almost tall enough to look him in the eyes. His expression shifts from neutral to a wary frown.Yeah, you overstepped the mark.
Avery sits at the counter with her coffee. “What’s this about?”
“He”—I jab a finger at Bryn—“is interfering in my life! Again!”
Bryn sighs and drags a hand through his hair. “I’m not interfering, Tegan. I’m helping.”
“Somebody tell me what’s happening,” presses Avery.
“Why? Don’t you think I’m good enough to achieve what I want on my own merits?”
“I’m just helping out, Tegan. After what happened the other night, with the attack, I thought you might want to move away too. And now this shit with Jax.”
“You should’ve asked me! And I know why you didn’t!”
Avery turns to Bryn. “Is this true?”
“I thought she’d be happy!” Is he genuinely confused here? “You seem really happy since you started working with Riley and Tina.”
“I’ve only worked with them for two weeks! Strange how you take a sudden interest in my career when I’m dating Jax.Then mysteriously decide to help me with an overseas career.”
“Yeah, and look at how Jax reacted when you told him. I want you to see this thing you have going with him won’t work — and before you get hurt!”
“Ohmigod!” I shriek and shove him in the chest. “I told you not to fucking interfere in my life!”
“Don’t swear at me!” he snaps back.
Tears spring, at the idea I may not be as fantastic at my new job as I thought I was, and at his manipulations. I can’t speak; my voice could betray how upset I am.
“Bryn, this was a bad idea.” Avery bites the corner of her lip and looks between us.
“Thank you!” I say and wave my hand with vindication.