‘It could be fun for you to try,’ he murmured in her ear, his lips grazing her skin and sending a delicious shudder through her body.

When his teeth nipped her lobe, she froze. He was actually doing this, seducing her, and she had no idea how to react. It had to be a game to him. He’d never shown the slightest sign of wanting to get physical with her before.

‘So what’s it to be, Pol? Want to take me down?’

He blew on her ear and this time she couldn’t prevent a low moan escaping her lips. She didn’t want to take him down. She wanted to go down on him, and have him return the favour.

But this was crazy. Until she figured out what game he was playing, she had to put a stop to this teasing.

‘You’re full of it,’ she said, stepping back. She couldn’t think, let alone formulate coherent sentences, when he was that close and he knew it.

How many times had she pushed him away over the years? Too many to count. Toying with her amused him; he liked to see how much he could rattle her. By her predictable reaction, the answer was a lot.

But this heightened awareness was new. He exuded a sexual magnetism that drew many women to him, according to the online tabloids, and it irked that it worked on her too. She shouldn’t be this attracted to him. Her crush should’ve waned. If anything, the way her skin tingled and heat flushed her from the inside out, her lust for him had only intensified.

Not good. She needed a distraction, fast.

‘Archie says you’re here to plan his thirtieth.’ She strolled to the corner where her brother had stacked his DIY paraphernalia, putting some much-needed distance between them.

‘Want to help me? It’s been a long time since I’ve hung out with Arch and you’d know what he’s into these days better than me.’

That was all she needed—to spend one-on-one time with him. Especially after the weird flirty thing he’d been doing a few moments ago that still had her body buzzing.

She should ask him about it. Her ear lobe still tingled from his teeth nipping it in the briefest of bites. But did she really want to have a discussion that could end in her revealing how much she’d like him to nip her all over?

‘Can’t, I’m too busy with my new job.’ She snagged a few sheets of sandpaper, needing to keep busy if Ryder insisted on waiting for Archie’s return. ‘But I’m sure you’ll be the hostess with the mostest.’

His chuckles at her sarcasm warmed her blood, making her slightly giddy. ‘Let me guess. Your new job involves calculating the probability of Australia winning the next World Cup. Or you’re wowing the Prime Minister with enough statistics to promote you to his deputy? Or—?’

‘I’m working for Sizzle,’ she blurted out, hating how he never failed to make her feel like the nerd she was.

Growing up, he’d teased her about always having her nose in a book or getting straight As. While he’d been kicking a football in the backyard with Archie after school, she’d have her homework spread out on the kitchen table, trying to concentrate while sneaking glances at the way his jersey moulded to his chest. When he came into the kitchen for a drink she’d feign indifference, trying to ignore how good he made her feel when he asked insightful questions about her homework.

She’d known he was smart back then and had wondered why he’d hidden it, pretending to act the fool and goof around with Archie who’d never had aspirations beyond getting through his final year at school and scoring a building apprenticeship.

She’d attended the local high school with Archie while Ryder had gone to an elite private school several suburbs away, but he’d never lorded it over them and he’d underplayed his intelligence.

‘Sizzle?’ His eyebrows rose to a satisfying height. ‘The fashion house?’

‘The one and only.’ Smug that she’d managed to surprise him for once, she folded her arms, only to lower them to her sides when his gaze zeroed in on her chest. That was new too, his awareness of her as a woman. She’d secretly wished he would notice her over the years but he’d never hinted at anything untoward. Even his teasing had been annoyingly platonic. Then again, considering his choice of girlfriends over the last few years, she’d never measure up in the glam stakes. ‘Maybe you should drop by some time and update your wardrobe?’

She’d meant it as a funny jibe—he’d always looked good in whatever he wore, even as a kid—her dry humour a defence mechanism. She’d always needled him when she’d felt disconcerted, but she realised it had backfired when a spark of interest lit his eyes.

‘Is that an invitation?’

‘No, it was me trying to be snide.’ She glanced at the dark denim moulding long, lean legs and the navy polo shirt hugging his muscular chest, then wished she hadn’t when the heat in her cheeks intensified. ‘We both know your outfit cost more than my monthly wage so you definitely don’t need a wardrobe update.’

He tilted his head, studying her, the gleam in his eyes speculative. ‘In my profession, it pays to keep abreast of the latest fashion.’

‘What profession’s that? Winning women and influencing friends?’

He tsk-tsked. ‘Mixing metaphors and being snide? Not your style, Pollyanna.’

Polly huffed out a breath, annoyed she’d let him get to her yet again, and desperate for him to leave her alone. Physically, she’d always found him attractive but when he sparred with her, she wanted him even more. ‘Archie should be back soon if you want to wait in the kitchen.’

‘When I’m having so much fun here?’ He shook his head and grinned. ‘I’d rather see you climb that ladder so I can ogle your legs.’

Discombobulated by his sudden interest in her attributes—first having a quick perv at her boobs and now mentioning her legs—Polly muttered, ‘Yeah, a regular supermodel, that’s me,’ as she tried to brush past him on her way to the guest room.