Hades grabs the back of my neck and shoves deep and that’s when I lose it. I cry out as I come, pumping wildly into Meg. I collapse on top of her, and she gathers me to her, pressing kisses to my shoulder, my chest, my neck. I dimly realize that she didn’t come again, and I fumble between us, but she catches my hand. “Relax, Hercules. Enjoy this moment.”


A cool cloth touches me and I jerk. I hadn’t even realized Hades left the bed. Holy shit, I am losing it. I can’t do anything but lay there while he does a little clean up, and then he’s gone and I hear the water in my bathroom running.

I heave myself off Meg. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t start that.” She pushes me onto my back and climbs up to straddle me. She looks like a wanton goddess who somehow ended up in my bed, and I want to capture this moment forever. Her hair is as wild as her eyes and her whole body is flushed with pleasure. This isn’t the ice queen she plays when it suits her.

This is Meg.

My Meg.

Our Meg.

Chapter 24


I know the moment Hades reenters the room. Just like I know exactly what happens next as if we’ve choreographed this to perfection. I ache for him even after everything we’ve done. It’s been too long. He doesn’t give me time to adjust. He just jerks my hips back and up and then he’s inside me, so deep he takes my breath away. I cry out against Hercules’s chest. I can’t help it. It feels good but fuck.

Hercules catches my arms, holding me in place as Hades fucks me. I should have known he’d be a quick learner when it comes to the push and pull of dominance, should have figured it out after he fucked me on Hades’s desk, probably should have figured it out before that. God, he really is perfect.

Hades digs his fingers into my hips. I’ll have marks tomorrow, and I relish them. He always knows when my old marks are fading and finds a way to give me fresh ones. Never the same, but that’s the point.

“You’re thinking too hard.” Hercules runs his hands down my arms and back up. “Stay with us, Meg.”

Stay with us.

Does he know how much those words mean to me? Even having a place of my own in the Underworld, I still crave exactly what he’s offering me. A place with them. Something permanent. I’m scared to even hope for it.

Hades grasps my throat and guides me up and back until I’m pressed against his chest and I can barely inhale past the careful pressure he exerts. Hercules is sprawled out beneath us, watching us with a satisfied look in those pretty blue eyes. He’s exactly where he wants to be, totally confident that this won’t blow up in his face. In all our faces. I wish I had his confidence.

Hades caresses my throat without letting up the pressure. Not enough to hurt me. Just enough to give the impression of cutting off my air supply. He drags his mouth over my shoulder and up my neck to speak softly in my ear. “You’re holding back.”

“No.” The word is barely more than whisper.

“Yes.” He sets his teeth against my earlobe and I shiver. “You don’t trust me anymore.”

“I do.” It’s almost the truth.

For once, Hercules doesn’t have anything to say. He presses his hand to my lower stomach and slides his thumb against my clit. Just a casual teasing touch as if I’m not pinned in place against Hades’s body with his cock sheathed deep inside me. Pleasure sparks hotter yet. Hades grabs Hercules’s wrist with his free hand. “A moment, little Hercules.”

“She thinks clearer when she’s on the edge of orgasm.”

I try to glare, but I can’t quite dredge up the right expression. “Traitor.”

He sits up. He’s tall enough that he could kiss me in this position if he wants to. “Let go, Meg. Trust us.”

Trust. As if it’s really that easy. As if I haven’t had every man I’ve ever trusted walk back on it. Even Hades, though he would claim otherwise. He didn’t let me essentially sell myself for his gain, but when he shut me out, it damaged us. Hercules is the only one who hasn’t, but surely it’s only a matter of time. The odds are not in his favor.

“This only works if all parties are invested.” Hades doesn’t release Hercules’s hand, but he guides it back to my pussy. “Do you want this?”

As much as part of me wants to hold back, I can’t quite manage it. “Yes. Too much.”

“No such thing as too much.” Hercules strokes my clit again, his eyes on my face. “Not with us.”

“How can you be so sure?”

He shrugs those big shoulders. “I’m falling for you.”