Not fuzzy enough to prevent me from hearing Hades say in his mildest voice, “And what do we have here?”

Chapter 4


I do so love it when a plan comes together.

The joy is downright orgasmic as I watch this boy scramble to cover Meg and himself at the same time. As if I haven’t seen her in every stage of undress, in every moment of unbecoming. As if she isn’t mine the same way my right hand is mine, an extension of myself.

Even though I know better, I allow myself to drink in the sight of them together. I could have waited longer to interrupt, but Meg had her instructions, and she let things get away from her. She always did have a sentimental streak. It’s her one downfall, and I’m only too happy to exploit it for our mutual benefit.

And what a benefit.

Hercules is perfectly made. Part of me wishes I didn’t notice that, didn’t react to it, but denying myself is never something I bothered to learn how to do. He’s all golden muscles and golden hair and a righteous indignity I will take great joy in snapping into pieces at the first opportunity.

“What are you doing here?” He’s managed to find a shirt to ball up over his cock, but it acts more as a tease than anything else. I’ve already seen it in all its glory, after all.

I raise my eyebrows. “I’m claiming what’s mine.” I meet Meg’s gaze. Just as I expected, even with the interruption, she’s loose and relaxed in a way she hasn’t been in a significant amount of time. It confirms what I already knew. Hercules is a bridge and he will serve his purpose well.

But only if I trigger the proper pressure points. I snap my fingers and point to a spot next to me. “Come, Meg.”

Hercules’s confusion becomes something akin to horror as Meg slips out from beneath him and walks toward me. “No. What are you doing? Stop it.”

She looks almost guilty as she sinks to her knees by my side, but while Meg might entertain herself with fighting me, she loves being mine. Even with how complicated our relationship has become, how tangled our history. I lay my hand on her dark hair because I know it will infuriate him and incite every protective instinct he has. “Good girl.”

Hercules still looks like he’s been hit by a train. “I’m going to need you to explain what the hell is going on.” This man was built for what knighthood was supposed to be hundreds of years ago. A paragon of self-righteousness, a force for good. I monitored him for months before making my move. When faced with a helpless creature, he will invariably turn himself inside out in order to offer protection.

The trick is convincing him that Meg is helpless, a trait she’s never possessed.

“A mere game, I’m afraid.” I keep stroking her hair. “It amuses me to send my Meg to fuck other men and women, and so I sent her to seduce you. Really, I would think the situation is self-explanatory.”

“You made her fuck me?” The betrayal in his eyes is a living thing, quickly followed by fury and… Ah, there it is. The desire to save her from the devil who stands over her. Really, it’s too easy, as simple as lining up the dominoes and tipping the first one over.

I ignore his question, because I know it will infuriate him further. “Get dressed, love.” I turn my attention to the boy. Oh, he’s not really a boy. He’s a man, even if he still has an aura of innocence about him. He has the look of his father, both in coloring and in features. I wonder what Zeus would say if he knew my plans, and I barely hold back a smile imagining his rage. A rage that will be his undoing.

All in good time.

Meg dresses quickly and runs her fingers through her hair. She still looks like she’s been fucked within an inch of her life, but she’s halfway presentable by the time she rises and takes my hand. I bring our laced fingers to my lips and press a soft kiss to her knuckles. “You please me.”

Her smile is pained, and she can’t help shooting a look at Hercules. Does she even realize how much this man calls to her? There are submissives aplenty in the Underworld, but innocents are a far rarer occurrence. When this is all over, my Meg will thank me for the lengths I go through for her. If there’s another reason in the mix? Well, I am who I am.

She finally drags her gaze back to me. “Thank you, Sir.”

I lead her out the door and down the stairs, and she follows like a good obedient little sub. I know it’s coming, and I almost relish the way she lays into me the second we slide into the back of the town car.