“Are we not going to discuss the elephant in the room?” Until now, the man from the House of Aquarius has been silent, one hand on his chin, but now his voice fractures the air, stirring the tension simmering under the surface.

“You’ll need to offer some clarification,” Landon says. “What elephant are you talking about?”

“The curse. Are we really going to ignore hundreds of years of tradition, just like that?” He snaps his fingers. “I’m not sure that’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

“Oh, come on, Hugo.” Ford rolls his eyes. “Don’t tell me you buy into that bullshit.”

“After what happened to Sebastian’s mother, and my…” Hugo trails off with a hard swallow. “I certainly do. I can get onboard with rigging the auction, because the whole system is bullshit and not fair to anyone in this room, but abolishing the queen’s duty is pushing it.” He sends a look of apology my way. “Doesn’t mean I agree with it, but the queen has always been the center of the Brotherhood. Eliminating something as integral as the queen’s duty is a recipe for disaster.”

Liam clears his throat. “What if we use a proxy?”

“A proxy?” Hugo arches a curious brow. “How so?”

“Monthly relations with a single member instead of all of us.”

“Explain,” Hugo demands.

“Going by the history books, the chancellor has stepped in when necessary to take over certain duties. We can vote to change the queen’s duty so the chancellor bears the responsibility and obligation for the members not joined through marriage. By proxy, the houses will still be one with the queen.”

Sebastian scoffs. “So you’re saying instead of sharing her with the eleven of you, I have to share her with just…you?” A dangerous scowl takes over his face. “How convenient for you, Chancellor.”

My heart drops, and I want to protest, but Tatum speaks before I do. “It’s a solid alternative.” He shrugs a shoulder. “I have to agree with Hugo on this. I’ll feel better knowing the queen’s duty is still in play, even if by proxy.”

“Proxy, my ass. This is just his way of getting her into his bed.” Sebastian glowers at Liam.

“Technically, we all have that right, if not a desire to enjoy her in our beds.” Ford winks at me, letting me know he’s teasing.

“Maybe she doesn’t want to be in anyone’s bed but mine.” Sebastian punctuates his claim by growling at Ford.

“All of you, stop.” Reproach drips from Vance’s tone. “No one’s asked Novalee how she feels about this.” He settles his gaze on me, expression softening. “The chancellor is right. He has the authority to serve as a proxy, and it would be an easier sell once we take it to vote. Is this an idea you’re okay with?”

I hold tight to Sebastian’s hand, hoping he won’t lurch into a jealous rage after the words leave my mouth. “I’d rather have Liam as a proxy than all of you. No offense.”

Vance grins. “None taken.”

Sebastian jumps to his feet, leaving me alone in the chair as he rakes both hands through his hair. “This isn’t right! We need to abolish the queen’s duty. End of discussion.”

“Except Hugo’s got a point. We’re already spitting in the face of tradition by allowing marriages between the houses.” Landon gives Sebastian a pointed look. “I don’t like it any more than you do, but you, more than anyone, can understand why it’s imperative we proceed with caution. The changes we want won’t happen overnight.”

With a groan, Ford shakes his head. “You guys and this fucking curse.”

“Wait until it hits your family,” Hugo says, irritation drawing his brows together.

Ford raises a hand. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Okay,” my brother cuts in. “I think we’ve got this sorted out for now. In the meantime, it’s important for us to keep up a normal front. Business as usual.”

“As opposed to…not business as usual?” Ford tilts his blond head.

“What I mean is we uphold tradition. Just because we know how this ends doesn’t mean we get to be reckless. We’ve come too far to mess this up now.” Crossing his arms, Landon shoots a stern look at Sebastian and me. “No more stolen kisses in the gazebo.”

“No more kidnapping schemes either,” Sebastian retorts.

With a sigh, Landon shakes his head. “You just had to bring that up, didn’t you?”

“What the hell is he talking about?” Liam directs the question at Landon, his brown eyes wide with suspicion. “Why is he talking as if you were involved?”

The silence that follows is deafening until Landon breaks it with a reluctant confession. “Because…I was.”