“You’re leaving tomorrow with the chancellor,” Tatum says, “and that’s final.” He asserts his authority over me in the tilt of his stubborn chin. “I’m transferring power to Liam until I return. He’ll watch over you and keep you protected. You’re safer at home than you are here.”

But how can home be anywhere but with Sebastian?

Too shaken to stand any longer, I lower into the chair again, fighting tears. “Please…I don’t want to be separated again.”

The day I watched him leave the estate from the window of my prison—thanks to Miles locking me inside his horrible quarters—was one of the lowest moments of my life. That was the day I crashed so low I thought about jumping off the balcony to end my suffering.

I told no one about that moment, talked to no one about the stark fear that followed the urge.

An urge so strong, it still haunts me today.

“You’re separated every month, my sweet girl.” Liam points out the obvious in a gentle tone, which only irritates me more.

“You know what I mean.”

“I do know what you mean, but you’re going to be okay. We’re all here for you, and they,” he says, pointing at Sebastian and Tatum, “are going to make sure that piece of shit can’t hurt anyone ever again.” Liam clasps his hands in front of him on the table. “If it were me, I’d want to do the same. They need to do this for you, so let them.”

“What about what I need?”

Sebastian grips my hand again. “I’ll call you every day.”

“It’s not enough. I want you there with me, even if I can’t see you or touch you. Just knowing you’re in the tower with me…” Tears spring to my eyes. “It sounds insane, but it makes me feel close to you.”

“It’s not insane, baby. I feel the same way, but I’ll be back before you know it.” His teeth tug on his lower lip. “I failed you at that party…I won’t fail you again.”

“You didn’t fail me.” I squeeze his fingers, knowing that nothing I say will make him believe otherwise. “And you say we’ll talk every day, but I don’t have access to a phone. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

“You can use my cell,” Liam says, his voice quiet. Pained. He’s trying so hard to set aside his feelings, but he can never shelve his heartache completely. One look into his umber eyes, and I know it’s ripping through him.

He’s here because he loves me, and he’s letting another man claim the job of lover and protector because he knows it’s what I want.

What I need.

Suddenly, his blackmail doesn’t matter anymore, his ultimatum inconsequential after everything I’ve been through these past few days. The last thing I want is to spend my final day in Los Angeles angry and resentful.

I meet Sebastian’s eyes. “If you’re forcing me to leave tomorrow, then we have to make today count.”

“What do you have in mind?”

A day on the town sounds exciting and fun, but all I have the energy for is a relaxing afternoon on the couch with the sexiest man alive.

“How about a sci-fi movie marathon and a ridiculous amount of junk food?”

A smile tilts up his mouth, but it doesn’t quite reach his troubled ocean eyes. “I think we can make that happen, princess.”