I sleep the next few days away, only coming downstairs for meals. Liam takes over my room, his jealousy absent, while I share a bed with Sebastian. Tatum gives me space to heal, both mentally and physically, though the former will take longer. The three of them rally around me until I start to feel human again.

And maybe that’s why they wait to tell me that Axel Ivermann is on the run, instead of behind bars where I assumed he was.

“How did he get away?” I look to Sebastian for answers as the four of us sit at the breakfast table, sharing a meal of oatmeal, fruit, and coffee.

“When I saw him on top of you—” he cuts off mid-sentence as his hands ball into fists. “I wanted to kill him, and I would have, but you needed me more.”

“So he took off, and everyone at that party let him?” My question is an octave above a whisper, icy fear strangling my vocal cords. My shoulders hunch, spine tingling with irrational fear. The man who drugged and assaulted me isn’t going to barge into the penthouse.

I repeat that in my mind until I start to believe it.

“Where were you?” I ask, turning to Tatum.

“Someplace I shouldn’t have been. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

“Did Axel make it back to Zodiac Island?”

Tatum shakes his head. “Our security team is following several leads. As far as they know, he’s still in the Los Angeles area.”

“What about the police?” I blink, realizing no one’s questioned me, which seems wrong. “Why haven’t they called me in for a statement or something?”

“We chose not to involve the authorities.”


“If we involve the local authorities, things get messy.” Sebastian takes my hand. “The last thing you need is a trial and a lengthy extradition process. We’ll find him. I promise you that. He will pay for what he’s done to you.”

“But we’re leaving tomorrow.” At least, that’s what Liam told me this morning when I first came downstairs. “How will you find him in a day?”

Letting go of my hand, Sebastian exchanges a glance with Tatum—one that makes me prepare myself because I don’t like that look in his eyes. “You’re leaving tomorrow. Tate and I are staying until we find Ivermann, and then we’re dragging his ass back home where we can deal with him the Brotherhood way.”

“The Brotherhood way?”

“We’re on foreign soil, princess. Our methods aren’t legal here. In fact, we’re already bending the law.”

Panic rises, and I shake my head. “I don’t want to leave without you. I’d rather the local authorities deal with him.”

Liam sets down his coffee mug. “That’s not possible. No one hurts the queen and gets away with it.”

I jump to my feet, gripping the table. “That’s hilarious. Pax forced you to rape me, but I don’t see anyone bringing that monster to justice.” I glare at Liam, battling a smidgen of remorse for lashing out, but every nerve ending in my body is on edge.

“I don’t like it,” Liam says, a hint of shame entering his eyes, “but tradition makes Pax untouchable.”

“Fuck your tradition.”

The three of them gape at me as if they’ve never heard a queen curse before.

“I’ve had enough of your ridiculous superstitions.” I turn a sharp gaze on Sebastian. “And I’m not leaving here without you.”

“It’s only for a few days, a week tops. The security team is getting close.”

“Then come home and let them do their job.”

“I can’t. We’re responsible for what happened.” He nods toward Tatum. “And we’re not coming home until we find him.”

“Then I’m not leaving until you do.”