“Shhh, you’re going to be fine.”

Everything whirls, goes dark.

Why is my head throbbing? I force my eyes open, and the terracotta floor bounces in my vision. Is someone carrying me? Everything’s spinning, growing hazier by the second, but through an open door, I spy three guys and a girl sprawled on a couch, the table in front of them cluttered with what looks like drug paraphernalia.

The next time I claw my way to consciousness, I’m on my back in the dark…the kind of suffocating nothingness I find terrifying. My mind trudges through mud, trips over itself in search of understanding. I try to lift my arm but can’t. I’m laden, nauseous…tired. So tired.


Something’s wrong.

No…something hurts.

Rough hands grabbing my breasts.

Teeth nipping at my neck.

Hot breaths burning my collarbone.

I can’t breathe.

“No, I don’t…” Is that my voice, muttering slurred syllables?

“Relax, sweetheart. I’m gonna make you feel real good.”

Sweat breaks out on my skin, traveling down my legs to the soles of my feet, and what he said loops through my fuzzy mind, little more than garbled words. But as he pushes up my dress, his intent is clear.

“Sebastian,” I cry, the murmured plea but a whisper on my parched lips.

“He’s not here right now.” A zipper sounds, followed by a groan. “Fuck, you’re going to be a tight little thing, aren’t you?”

I will my body to squirm out from under him as he pries my thighs open, but I can’t get my limbs to work. “No,” I try to scream.

Except the protest comes out as a groan, forced back by the sandpaper tongue in my mouth. No matter how much I try to call out for help, to fight, to keep my eyes open, I just…can’t.

There’s nothing, and then the room is bright and distorted, and someone’s cradling me against a familiar chest. A comforting chest—warm and solid and smelling of home.

“Hold on, baby.”

Sebastian, his voice choked and horrified.


I’m sinking again, my eyelids heavy, body limp in his arms. When the blackness threatens to take me again, I fight it with every ounce of strength I have left.

But it’s an uphill battle I can’t win.