
“You heard me.” Tatum’s authoritative voice halts Sebastian’s movement, and I gape at my tormentor through the haze of arousal graying my vision.

“I need to come! You can’t be this cruel.”

He gets up, crosses the jacuzzi, and tilts my chin up with one finger. “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a cock in your ass and a tongue in your cunt at the same time?”

No, but I’m thinking about it now, and my groan gives away the trajectory of my thoughts.

“You have two options, beautiful. Stay here and get off, or come inside and let us both blow your mind.”

What happens next plays out like a fuzzy movie.

A movie that will no doubt end in disaster.

Sebastian goes rigid underneath me, his cock snug against my sex, while Tatum holds out a hand. It’s an indecent proposal, one I should turn down.

Without a doubt.

I hesitate.


My heart rate goes ballistic.

Somehow, my hand finds its way into Tatum’s firm grip, and he pulls me off of Sebastian and out of the hot water.