Lowering his face into his hands, all he can do is shake his head. Panic grips me, and I press a fist over my thudding heartbeat, but the reality of his dead silence twists around my vocal cords, making it impossible to speak above a hoarse whisper.

“What are you saying?” I repeat.

“I don’t know.”

Focusing on his blond head while he’s bent over, avoiding the sight of me, I swallow hard. “Do you want me to…to leave?”

“I want you to confide in me.” He glances up, his blue eyes tortured. “I want you to trust me.”

“I do trust you,” I choke out, my red-rimmed eyes threatening to erupt again.

As if he senses my weak grip on composure, the severe line between his brows relaxes. So does his tone. “Then just tell me what he wants from you, baby.”

“Not telling you is part of his condition.”

“C’mere.” He beckons me to him with the crook of his finger, and my feet carry me to the only place I want to be. He yanks me astride his lap, his hands sliding under my dress to grip my bare ass.

My breath catches.

His pupils dilate.

And yet, the sizzle between us does nothing to soften his anger. If anything, his determination to drag Liam’s blackmail from me hardens every part of him.

Especially his cock.

“I’m fucked in the head enough to punish you.”

“You’ve threatened to punish me before,” I point out.

“That sounds like a challenge. You don’t think I can follow through this time?”

“Is that really how you want to spend our last morning together?”

“Ford and Tatum gave us the day, so we have plenty of time.”

Regardless of his threat, hopeful excitement storms through my veins. “How much time?”

He quirks a brow. “I know what you’re doing, but it won’t work.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re trying to distract me from…certain agendas.”

“I’m not—”

He presses a finger against my lips. “To answer your question, we have to be back by dinner.”

“Oh.” I nibble on his finger for a moment, drawing his heated gaze to my mouth. “You’re right. That’s…plenty of time.”

“Yeah…” And just like that, he is distracted, his cock nudging my slit through his pants.

I resist the urge to rub against him. “A lot can happen between now and then.”

“Like you distracting your way out of trouble?”

“I wouldn’t do such a thing.”

“Liar,” he growls before stealing my lips in a hard, much-too-brief kiss. Refusing to let me devour his mouth, he rises to his feet and sets me on my own, the move happening so fast my head spins.