“You bitch. How dare you come into my home and threaten me.”
“Put the gun down, Dad. You don’t want to do this.” Holy shit, I hope the cavalry showed up quickly.
“Give me the files.” His aim remained steady all the while my heart was about to beat out of my chest.
“Not a chance. Even now, federal agents are on their way in here. They’ve been listening to every word you’ve said. You won’t get away with this. Just like you won’t get away with what you did to Casey. How could you do that to your own daughter, Dad? Your friend raped her, time after time. Don’t you even care?”
“She wasn’t my daughter,” he spat out. “She was some little whore your mother tried to pawn off as my daughter. She was merely a means to an end. Edward invested in some of my business dealings. He was a loyal friend who deserved a reward. Unlike you, you ungrateful little shit. You wanted for nothing growing up. Everything money could buy was given to you. And this is how you repay me? By destroying everything I’ve worked so hard for?”
“You’re a monster! Daughter or not, she was thirteen years old. Thirteen! She wasn’t a whore. She was just a little girl.” Fury raced through me, and my body shook with rage. If I had a gun, I would kill my father. He deserved to die.
A banging sounded as the front door crashed open, and Webber and Miles came barging in, both with their guns drawn. Before I could guess his intention, my father grabbed my hair and pulled me up against him, the gun digging into my ribs.