Page 48 of Redemption

Chapter 37

Once Milesand I rose from bed, I called Connor explaining what I needed. He agreed it was probably the only way. While I sat at my desk in my home office, I hacked into my father’s security system, blocked the signal, and then set up a running loop. That way, if my father checked in on things, nothing would seem amiss. Connor and another member of the company were going to break into my father’s house and get Casey. I wanted desperately to go, because I knew how terrified she would be of strange men practically kidnapping her, but I needed to stay at my computer.

Instead, Bridget, Connor’s fiancée, would be waiting for Casey. It was the best we could do on such short notice. As soon as Casey was out of my father’s house and in a safe place, Bridget was going to call me so I could speak to Casey over the phone. To at least try and assure her that everything was going to be okay.

An hour later, my phone rang. Thank God, it was Bridget’s number.

“Hello.” I was breathless with excitement and anxiousness.

“We have her. Here, you need to speak to her.”

A rustling noise sounded as though the phone were being jostled. Then, the sweetest sound graced my ears. It was Casey’s voice, no matter how soft and scared she sounded. I hated that I’d done that to her.


“God, Casey, it’s okay. I promise. Don’t be scared sweetie. Connor and Bridget are my friends. They’re there to help you. To protect you. Please don't be scared.”


The hesitancy in her voice gutted me. She had been such an outgoing, loquacious kid. She’d been a practical joker, always making me laugh. To hear her now almost destroyed me. It only cemented my determination to see Charles Santiago brought down.

“I need you to listen to me. Connor and Bridget are going to take you to a house I bought for you. No one else knows where it is. Dad will never be able to find you. He’ll never be able to hurt you again. I’ll be there soon. I swear.”

As I spoke, I could hear Casey begin to softly sob in the background. Bridget was trying to comfort her. She was breaking my heart.

“Thank you.” Her words were spoken so softly with only the barest hitch. But, she sounded more calm and confident, which was all I cared about. We said our goodbyes with my promise I would see her soon.

Suddenly, the prospect of confronting my father didn’t seem so scary anymore. I removed the looped feed from the security cameras. My father was going to shit a brick when he got home and discovered Casey missing. A small, satisfied, and maybe even devious, smile tipped up my lips.

“What’s that look for?” Miles moved behind me and wrapped me in his warm embrace. I leaned into his hard body and covered his hands with mine.

“Oh, just a little fun thought picturing the look on my father’s face when he realizes he doesn’t have Casey to use against me anymore. He’s going to go ballistic when he can’t find her.”

“You terrify me with your evilness, woman. Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

I pinched his arm, hard, in response.

“Sadist.” Although, Miles laughed when he said it.

“I love you, Miles.”

His kiss brushed the top of my head.

“I love you too, Josephine Bishop. When this is all over, I hope you plan on making an honest man of me.”

Turning in my chair so quickly, I would have toppled over if Miles hadn’t steadied me.

“Are you proposing to me?”

He just shrugged as though the most important conversation in the world wasn’t happening right now. I launched myself into his arms and wrapped my arms and legs around him, peppering kisses all over his face.

“Damn straight I’ll make an honest man of you.”

Like little kids, we raced each other into the bedroom, laughing and giggling the whole way.

After a long night of lovemaking,I woke with a sudden feeling of dread in my stomach. Today was the day. I quietly made my way to the kitchen, careful not to wake Miles. Soon, breakfast sizzled on the stove and the smell of bacon, pancakes, and coffee permeated the air. Fifteen minutes later, Miles came stumbling out of the bedroom wearing only his boxer briefs.

“I’m sorry I woke you. I woke up and needed something to keep my mind occupied for a little bit.”